Chapter Fifty-Five Part II

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A Requiem Onto the Other Side of the World

Came arose was the heavy heaving of my chest, rowing up and down at the pull of my racing heartbeats. The corners of my eyes were smeared in tears, liquid drawing invisible lines that streamed down my face as I struggled to to gulp a lump in my throat. The pain coursed through my chest, enveloping my whole body in both ache and distraught. I turned, my fists were clenched as something inside me kept bubbling up, the boiling heat raging to burn even the strokes of my flesh, pinning my bones in pressure.

I fought back the urge to scream, turning and turning until I could feel myself landing on a solid floor, my arms flinched at the sudden impact. I gradually opened my eyes, streaks of sunlight passing along the white curtain by the window in front. Cool wind stepped inside, sending the curtain to flutter as well as calming down the turmoil that was invading my body. Dizziness swept over me as I tried to stand, my hand clinging to the bed just beside where I hadn't realized I had fallen from.

Cold sweat tickled down my forehead, my long, black hair was a mess as I gaze through my reflection by the transparent jar atop a wooden cabinet placed on the bedside. I took a deep breath, ignoring the rising pain as I did so, canceling my ability to feel any pain at the moment. Pain may serve as this body's limiter, a warning that should alarm the mind, but it would only be a bother at this point. Especially so that I am apparently in an unknown territory.

The room was light, there was something about it that calms my nerves down along with a familiar energy wrapping the place, bubbling up a sudden surge of warmth that spread around my body. It made me let out a heavy breath, my heaving chest eventually returning to its usual pace. But there must be something wrong with my senses that I haven't even noticed somebody coming from the other side to open the door. I opened my palm--

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A voice spoke, monotonous and soft as a girl showed herself up.

I frowned. The figure was tall with a wavy, dark brown hair reaching just below her shoulders. Despite the animosity in her though, I calmed myself down with my eyes still focused on her blue ones with rings of brown in the middle. She looked away, unable to hold my gaze as she played with the strands of her hair falling forward. She reeked of fear and nervousness which she has been trying to contain the moment she saw me awake.

"The only way yo truly mask fear is to hide it with another emotion. Though that wouldn't work against me, of course." I didn't say it to tense her up, but she did anyway.

"The Regular Order--"

I interrupted her with a sharp sigh. "Straight down to business, I like it. But as of the moment, I don't want to hear anything that happened from that mess of a war."

"You will eventually know."

"Like I said, at the moment." I replied hastily.

I stood up, closing my eyes for a few moments, letting the dizziness fade before opening them again. Stretching my arms upward, my gaze traveled out of the window. There was a river out there, and I know now that we're surrounded by woods judging by dozens of trees on a far distance.

"You have been out of it for a month. If things go on like this, you're only going to make things easier for the World's Organization."

Annoyance rang inside me as I turned to her. "Enough with them. I don't have the energy to even think about a plan. They have ruined everything so far and I know you're aware that with my current condition, I'm only going to make things worse."

"That's because you're weak."

My eyebrow lifted, taking slow and heavy steps towards her direction before stopping right in front of her. Her height exceeded just a little over my ears, still tall for her age though. Regardless, saying I'm weak right at my face must have taken all her courage. Still, with her trembling gaze, I could only wonder who she's fooling.

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