Chapter Forty-Five

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Twelfth of Midnight

The breeze moving along; grazing the leaves, swaying the trunks, passing through the surrounding woods, toward the thoroughly lit up city, was cold. Despite that though, I feel hot. There was that heat building up inside me, triggered by that sudden rush of blood, heart pounding so hard against my chest, and my skin was all for that one emotion called anticipation.

I could see the tall buildings lighting up like stars from below, the echoes of their chatterings, the little traces of energies mixing with pollutions, human figures shadowing underneath, and that sound of the bell ringing across the land as the clock strike nine. Everything appeared so clear from up here, and the night seemed so perfect.

I stood up, clutching the metal pole which supported Leomer Empire's flag, fluttering through the air along with my hair. I lifted both of my hands from the side, releasing series of different magic circles which brightened up the entire dark skies like torches, and it was simply a sight to see.

The magic circles remained plastered on the air, each lines and patterns motioning into circles, as though awaiting for every magic stored to be unleashed. But it wasn't the time for that show yet, my magic would surely just bounce off due to how thick the barrier surrounding the entire city is.

The thing about this barrier is that it's artificial, anyone could tell. Which means it would have to be manually deactivated from the inside. Sometimes, I admire how far science could actually imitate real magic that soon, there shall actually be no used of having spiritual energy for the world will thrive without it. But that won't happen in this lifetime, the world is still far too lacking for something so advanced.

"I'm in." Ziandra's voice rang through the back of my mind as I heard her footsteps came into a halt, followed by a clicking sound.

"I am still not so sure about this, Ke'ala." Millard said, hearing small movements around him. "But I'm in position. Theone?"

"This is crazy." Theone muttered in disbelief, the sound of rocks breaking were reverberating nearbye. "Anytime now, Ziandra."

I took a move forward, my feet just a step away from actually falling from this tower. All of the sudden, the transparent barrier created electrical surges, eventually making the dome-like glass to slowlg fade away. The disappearance of the city's protective barrier made my magic circles thoroughly visible, halting people on their activities in wonder.

As the magic circles rounded up the skies, I can't help but sigh while my hands began to tremble once again at the thought of killing these people. I clenched it, hard enough that I could feel my nails digging through my palm. I wasn't always like this...but it makes me feel so vulnerable and I hate it.

"Ke'ala?" Theone reminded, which made me sigh.

"I know." I said out loud, more like to myself.

I reversed the circles, their positions rearranging like numbers finding their own orders, and the moment I flickered my fingers, different magic spells began to pour down like rain, sending people in astray. The sky began to ramble, thunderstorms accompanied by lightnings appeared, and the whole city shook as the tectonic plates shifted underneath; releasing several earthly spikes which protruded from the ground.

Some crumbled as buildings fell down one by one, burying the carriages and street stalls beneath the boulders. The screams of people filled the air brought by fear, anxiety, confusion, then there's that hint of anger. I sighed at the sight, jumping right down from the top of this hundred-feet tower. I used my own energy to lessen the momentum, stopping my fall just before I hit the earth.

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