Chapter 53 - deal

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"Poonam is under my protection here. I don't want her to get hurt or end up as a mistress." Chitra stated.

Dev laughed " If I had such intentions I wouldn't have waiting so long. I would have done it long ago.  My intentions are honourable towards Poonam."

"I am not accusing you, your highness. She is very attached to you. Which is fine. But such attachment will bring trouble for her. The palace maids are already gossiping about her relationship with you. This way she will ruin her reputation, and I would not be able to face her parents in Navsarika."

"Poonam is an adult she is free to make her own decisions. You should not worry about that." He said.

Chitra narrowed her eyes.

"Unfortunately, this is not how it works for women. She is from a good family. Her father is a general in the Navsarika army. They will be heartbroken if something happens to her. She is here on my responsibility. No one will believe her once her reputation is ruined. I have been through it." Chitra said quietly.

"Hmmm, so what do you want me to do about it."

"Marry her" Chitra replied.

Devburman looked startled.

"I dont mean to offend you but this is the most honourable thing to do. She got you out of the dungeons. She told me everything."

He smirked, " I told her not to."

"I have decided to never get married." He added.

"Then why do you desire her company, your highness? Why do you call her for these clandestine meetings?"

He looked little unsure as to if caught in the act of doing something wrong.

"I...I just like being with her. She is smart."

Chitra smiled "well that explains it. So I have a condition. Either you marry her, or stop seeing her."

Dev didn't reply.

"That will be all your highness. Thanks for your time. Poonam will not be coming today or ever unless you desire to marry her."

Chitra turned away to leave and smiled smugly. If she had played her cards well, soon Dev would be pining for Poonam and would propose her.

Secondly, the ghost of Mrignayani which had been lingering around him, and Shiv would be finally put to rest. It was funny the only other woman who made her feel threatened was already dead!

Even though things were resolved between the brothers. There was a risk it might resurface again as long as Devburman was still holding on to her. He needed to move on and Poonam was her best bet.

She had already seen how a long-lasting grudge between the brothers Bhojraj and Shubhraj has ended in disaster. Chitra was determined to stop this from repeating with Shivaditya. She had vowed to protect him always.


"Shivaditya No! This cannot happen. I can't accept the throne" Devburman said to Shiv after he offered him the status of the crown prince.

"But bhaiya..." Shiv said.

"I was never interested in being the king. The throne belongs to you. You sit on it." Dev said with a determined look.

"You are so much wiser than me bhaiya how am I fit to rule instead of you ?"

Dev rubbed his forehead " you and your wife both are driving me nuts." He complained.

"What did Chitrangada do? Did she offend you bhaiya?"

"No, she didn't offend me. Look a king can't rule on his own. He needs a group of trusted, wise advisors around him. As an advisor, I can serve people better. Changing the line of succession now will lead to chaos. I don't want that to happen. Ok?"

Shiv sighed " As you wish bhaiya now what did Chitra do? I will try to rectify it."

Dev paused contemplating how to explain the situation to Shiv.

"There is this woman I have been seeing. Chitra wants me to marry her if I want to continue seeing her."

Shiv's jaws fell open "WHAT! So why don't you marry her."

"I don't want to marry anyone ever! " Dev said stubbornly.

"Do you love her Bhaiya?" Shiv asked.

"I don't know."

Dev replied moodily and looked away. After Mrignayani he had sealed his heart. Refusing to get involved with anyone. Shiv suppressed a smile.

"So what's the problem? You can simply refuse to marry her as you are not interested in her. Chitrangada has no right to force you."

"Who said I am not interested," Dev said suddenly, " I mean I like talking to her."

Shiv grinned.

"And Chitra is not letting you meet her?" Shiv asked.

Dev nodded.

"Is she one of her staff?"

"Yes, her name is Poonam."

Shiv's eyes grew wide in surprise.

"When did this happen?"

"It just happened. I will explain later but I don't know what to do now."

"Well, Chitra is possessive about Poonam. They are best friends, Chitra would kill anyone who tries to hurt Poonam. She is right about trying to protect her honour."

"Hmmm" Dev looked thoughtful.

"Can you help me with meeting Poonam?" Dev said.

"Of course bhaiya just tell me when."


Chitra was getting ready in her chamber for her next appointment. She was startled by someone suddenly holding her from behind.

"Shiv! What are you doing? There are maids."

"I dismissed them" he whispered in her ears and nuzzled her neck.

"I have to leave....mother will kill me if I am late." She struggled against his grip.

"I sent her a message that you won't make it. You are not feeling well."

He continued kissing her back.

"What! why? what's got into you". She could feel his hands on her back tugging at the knots of her blouse.

"Why do you wear such jewellery!" He grumbled pulling at the threads.

She turned around facing him "what's exactly going on?"

He brushed her lips with his thumb "Is it wrong to desire my beautiful wife?"

"In the middle of the day? You don't have to attend the court?"

"It's cancelled, I cancelled everything!" He whispered while kissing her neck.

She was not able to speak anything further as he was devouring her while leading her towards the bed. He had her nude within seconds.

He pried his mouth away for long enough to strip his tunic off and bent on to her again.

With the pale flesh of her breasts taut beneath his palms and nothing between them, his willpower finally crumbled. Shiv stopped worrying about arousing her. Chitra was already aroused.

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