Chapter 5 - Meeting her captor

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Poonam shivered under the torrential rain. They were not following her anymore.

"Oh! Princess, you endangered your life to save mine. How am I going to face your parents" She sobbed?

She managed to reach the Palace and went straight to see the Queen. A princess getting abducted could lead to a big disaster.

Poonam fell into the feet of the bewildered Kalavati "Forgive me, Your Majesty, I couldn't save the Princess."

"What are you talking about Poonam. Where is Chitra? Why are you drenched?" Kalavati asked.

Poonam narrated their escapade tearfully as Kalavati screamed and fainted....


"Your Highness! You are dripping wet. You must change" Jayaraj said as he brought a stack of fresh clothes and sheets to Shivaditya.

Another attended kept a vessel of steaming hot water on the table.

Thunder roared outside rattling the windows.

"Do we have any woman attendants ?" Shivaditya asked.

Jayaraj and the attendant looked at each other.

"Your highness we can arrange for someone tomorrow, the nearest village is 5 miles away and it's dark now...."

Shivaditya sighed " tomorrow it'll be too late," he was thoughtful for a moment then said, "You can leave. Don't come in unless I call".

Jayaraj and the attendant nodded and left.

She felt gentle hands removing her hair from her forehead.

She heard a voice "Can you change your dress yourself?"

Her head was throbbing as she tried reaching for her back and then her hands dropped limply.

She heard a sigh "God help me".

She felt her wet clothes being peeled off her body, then immediately something warm covered her. Her arm ached as those hands tied them in a bandage. Once comfortable she snuggled and fell in deep sleep.

Shivaditya sat near her bed on the chair looking at her frail body burning with fever.

"This is going to be a long night," he thought.

When Chitrangda finally woke from her sleep she found herself in a strange room. She just remembered being attacked and carried away by some evil-looking men. Was she in their lair?

This place seemed like that. It was a huge cold stone room with old furniture. Was she in a dungeon?

She looked at herself. She was dressed in a thin tunic. Feeling self-conscious she pulled up the covers. The lights were blinding, she squinted her eyes and looked towards the window. She saw a figure sprawled on a chair.

Hearing her movement he got up and approached her. Chitra saw a tall, lean figure walking towards her, he walked with the grace of a cat and his was the most handsome face she had ever seen, although he looked tired with dark circles around it. He had those intense dark brown eyes. Her heartbeat quickened.

He came up to her and smiled "good morning miss".

For a minute she was lost in that charming smile. But then she realized she was in an unknown place, dressed in a man's tunic in the bed of an unknown man, who was now towering over her. She panicked and screamed, scrambling away from him.

At once he placed his hands over her mouth trying to subdue her. She beat her hands on his chest trying to push him away which didn't affect him at all.

He caught her wrists and said, "Shhh girl if you do that again you will damage my ears as well as yours".

She looked at him with terrified eyes. He said "I promise I won't harm you. Will you be quiet?"

She nodded.

He said, "ok I am releasing you but no funny tricks just listen to me."

He slowly loosened his grip and released her. Chitra scrambled away from him and pulled the covers up to her neck.

He just shrugged and asked, "are you feeling better now?"

She replied "no I am not better...I am miserable. You have abducted me, Sir. I want to go home, " tears filled her eyes.

His smile faded "Abducted? I Abducted to you ?"

"Yes, you and your men, what do you want? Why did you abduct me ?"

He scratched his chin for a moment looking puzzled, then burst into laughter.

Chitrangda looked at him frightened sinking further in the sheets.

"That is my job! Err abduction, looting, sometimes murder."

"You are disgusting !" She shouted.

He chuckled "Well miss if you think so ".

She said, "I believe you are not going to release me and I will have to stay here?"

He gave her a thoughtful look "hmmm yeah, that's right although I assure you. You won't be harmed in any way".

Chitrangda said, "I only wish to know how long I have to stay, and wherever I am or you won't tell me that either?"

He said "Our whereabouts are one of the best-kept secrets and how long you have to stay that I am not sure. For now, you have to stay in that bed till I am satisfied that you are no more in danger of your illness. After that, we will have to see how long it takes to complete my current...Ummm... felonious business. One can't rush these things."

Chitra said, "but I must go home. Father and mother will be frantic. My reputation will be ruined ...please I will give you whatever you want but please let me go".

He smiled "whatever I can ask for?? hmmm...Now, this offer is quite appealing".

Chitra blushed and looked even more terrified.

He laughed "don't worry I do not intend to be cruel. We can find a way to tell your parents about your safety. That would put them at ease".

Chitra asked cautiously "One more thing. Who changed my dress ?"

Shivaditya replied, "Well, me of course ! and I was up here with you, whole night ".

She looked horrified. She stammered "No...please No ...we couldn't..."

He said with a twinkle "of course I could and I did. Why else did I abduct you" he grinned at her.

He immediately regretted his words.

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