Chapter 59 - The battle of Navsarika

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The door of the tower room suddenly rattled loudly. The women screamed and cowered in the corner. It banged again.

Chitrangada looked terrified as the door burst open and several savage-looking soldiers holding crooked weapons entered. She had never seen such men or weapons before.

There were terrified shoutings. Realization struck Chitra this meant the Kingdom had fallen to the barbarians.


1 day earlier -

Vikram had underestimated Shivaditya. It was true that he had left for the northern provinces however he would never leave Chitrangada unguarded.

One of the important aspects of maintaining a huge Empire was to have a strong spy network and maintaining strong ties with the allies.

Dev and Shivaditya were in their tent planning the next strategy to restore balance in the conquered provinces.

"Your Highness there is a messenger from Navsarika. He says it's urgent."

The guard announced.

"Sure let him in," Shiv responded.

A soldier dressed in Navsarika armour entered. He seemed to have been travelling continuously.

"Your highness I have an urgent message for you." He said.

"Yes please go ahead."

"The chief counsellor Maansing had asked for your urgent help. Navsarika is in danger."

Shiv and Dev both looked at each other.

"What kind of danger?" Dev asked.

"Please read the details in this letter."

He forwarded a letter with the royal seal to them.

As Shiv went through it his expression changed from worried to angry.

"Jayaraj!" He yelled after going through it.

Jayaraj came rushing into their tent.

"We are going to Navasarika right now. Order all the generals to move their armies towards Navsarika."

Shivaditya commanded and walked out while Dev went through the letter. His face hardened. His worst fears were coming true.


Chitrangada was an image of ferociousness.

Holding her sword at the hoard of barbarians. They were taken aback for a minute. Not used to seeing a woman capable to fight.

"Stay back otherwise I will kill each one of you," Chitra warned.

Her amber eyes burned like fire. She counted there were 5 of them. She could hold them off for now, but in case there were more she would not be able to fight them. She didn't have a choice. It was better to die fighting than get captured.

They said something in a different language which she couldn't decipher. But she could easily understand their intentions from the way they leered at her.

"Chitra No!" Kalavati screamed.

"Oh, so this is the Princess Get her!" The big man in the middle who was probably their leader shouted to others.


Chitra shouted at the women present in the room while the hoard ran towards her like a pack of wolves.

"Mother please save these women. I will join you soon I promise." Chitra almost pleaded.

Kalavati finally nodded and she ushered the women out of the room.

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