Chapter 11 - The decision

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A while later Chitra returned with Jayaraj carrying a plate of porridge.

Shiv made a face saying "I hate porridge".

Chitrangda said in a stern voice "Maester has prescribed this. You don't have a choice."

He didn't protest and took the plate.

"Thanks, Princess. Perhaps you should take some rest. Jayaraj can take over" he said

She realized that he wanted to be alone may be to discuss whatever murderous mission he was planning. She got scared, whenever she thought of his chosen profession. Perhaps someday he would tell her his story and she could ask her father to pardon him of his crimes. Her imagination never stopped.

"Your Highness! Why did you go out without me? I will never forgive myself" Jayaraj said after making sure that Chitrangda was out of hearing range.

"Don't blame yourself Jayaraj. This was a trap and I intentionally walked into it. It means we have a mole !"

"Impossible Your Highness! I chose the men who accompanied us here. Their loyalty has been impeccable."

"People change Jayaraj. Keep an eye on everyone in the fort. This also means we have to go back" Shivaditya paused.

"Your Highness! What about the Princess ?"

"She would be returned with honour," Shivaditya said softly.

Jayaraj looked at him surprised "But...Your Highness! I thought...."

"Tell me Jayaraj what are the repercussions of abducting and forcibly marrying an enemy's woman ?"

" It would be an act of war, Your Highness !"

"Exactly! I don't want a war. I want Raja Kirtiveer as an ally. Hence I must return Princess Chitrangda with honour," Shivaditya smiled while Jayaraj looked puzzled.

"I don't see any reason for using force with the Princess. If you could just reveal your identity I am sure she would be willing to marry you." Jayaraj said

"That won't make any difference. She would never go against her father's wish. It would still be a forcible marriage for Kirtiveer. I need to ensure that he agrees."

"I will follow whatever you command Your Highness!" Jayaraj replied.

Unaware of her future Chitrangda was busy playing nurse to Shivaditya. She spent most of her time with Shiv, feeding him, keeping him comfortable. She kept reminding herself she is not doing this for love it was just humanity. She could not afford to love him although his passionate kiss kept replaying in her mind. That kiss meant nothing!

He was probably delirious with pain and would not even remember anything.

He didn't mention anything about the kiss to her and Chitrangda was too modest to ask. Shiv's condition had improved in a day he had also started to walk in the room. Although Chitra insisted he was still too weak to go riding.

"But I have to send you back Princess. You have been away for almost a month !"

Strangely she didn't feel happy about this news.

Shiv asked, "Aren't you happy Chitra?"

She answered "of course! I am happy. Why shouldn't I be."

"Well, I had expected you to start dancing with joy."

She replied, "perhaps my perspective towards life has changed after being here but don't you think you are still too weak? I don't think you should embark on such an adventure so soon".

Shiv said, "I can't believe it. You are ok with postponing the trip".

"No, it's not that. I am worried about your health."

He dismissed it saying "I am fine. I can't break my promise. I wanted to send you back a long time ago but unfortunately, the forest was not safe. I can't delay it any further. We are leaving tomorrow".

Don't know why Chitrangda felt a pang in her heart. She had half expected him to never let her go.

Chitra said ruefully "Thanks for your kindness, Sir. But if my parents have not been successful in this charade I would be a fallen woman".

Shiv replied, "I will deal severely with anyone who dares to malign you".

She said, "You will not know of it".

He replied, "I shall hear ".

That night during dinner Chitra was unusually quite "This might be my last meal with him" she thought.

Shivaditya noticed her morose face. He came near her and said, "What is wrong Princess ?"

She replied "Nothing. Just thinking of the trip tomorrow".

He looked deep in her eyes and said: "You want to share something?"

Chitra said, "Its nothing ...oh no see the curry is over I will fetch some more".

She got up and started to leave, blame it on her nervousness or anxiety she tripped on the rough stone floor and was about to fall.

Shiv immediately caught her and she landed in his arms. Clutching at his shoulders they looked deeply into each other eyes.

Suddenly breathing became hard for them. She stared back into those chocolate brown eyes her lips almost touching his. Shiv bent his head towards her lips.

Blushing crimson she turned and his lips landed on her throat he kissed the pulse beating madly at the base of her at her neck. He placed his next kiss above the previous one until those trail of kisses reached her lips. Chitra's hands automatically went in his hair and clutched it.

He sucked her lower lips as she savoured the sensation and responded to his lips pressure. He became more ferocious and his tongue began to push into her mouth. She yielded to him clutching him tighter. His hands got bolder and trailed on her curves.

She felt herself being lowered on the huge bed his fingers moved in circles over her smooth skin. He sucked her earlobe while she felt dizzy with the sensation. When he tugged at her blouse dori her eyes snapped open.

She broke off and said "No Shiv stop !! It's wrong ".

She squirmed under him trying to push him off "Please Shiv...No...I am afraid.."

He asked "Afraid of me ?"

She looked "No ...its not that...I just can't...Please don't do it".

He propped himself up on his elbows casually staring at her "What do you want Princess ?"

"I am engaged," She said her eyes filled with tears.

Anger bubbled inside him as he got up and looked away.

"Which was conveniently forgotten until a few moments ago ?"

She looked at him terrified "I am sorry...I can't".

"What the hell was wrong with me? I had promised her that I would never do anything dishonourable Instead at every opportunity I have been breaking my promise" he thought.

He turned towards her "I am sorry Princess please don't be afraid of me. I don't know what got into me. I have promised you that you will be unharmed. I never break my vows. I won't touch you again."

He walked off leaving her in his room.

She sat up and put her head on her knees. Hugging them feeling sorry and guilty. He had not forced her. She desired him as well.

She was not afraid of him. She was afraid of the consequences. This was forbidden love. If she followed her heart she would bring great dishonour to her family. She was foolish enough to fall in love with him. She didn't control her emotions now she was doomed.

"I have to go back. I will have to forget him" she said to herself.

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