Chapter 43 - Defeating the danger

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She kept the tray away and glided near him. She placed a hand on his chest and brought her lips near his. He caught her waist bringing their bodies closer. She placed a kiss on his lips working on them. He deepened the kiss, flicking his tongue in her mouth. Breaking the kiss she pushed him towards the huge bed.

She smiled at him while he looked up and removed her bustier revealing the most beautiful breasts he had ever seen. She unbuttoned his kurta and helped him shrug it off.

Her eyes widened for a minute at the expanse of tanned muscles.

"You are a very handsome man, your highness," she whispered while tracing the contours of his chest.

"Thank you, you are beautiful," he smiled.

Then she crawled over him, sliding her body over him seductively. She was indeed skilled and it was hard for Shivaditya to keep himself from ripping off the rest of her clothes.

She kissed him hungrily and he responded all the while moving his hands on her body, caressing her curved everywhere.

Shivaditya closed his eyes as she left his lips and proceeded down placing a trail of kisses on his throat. Making sure that his eyes were still closed she reached down to remove her lower garment but quickly pulled out a knife and made a sharp movement to stab him.

He immediately caught her wrist holding the knife, turned that hand behind her. He caught her other wrist too pinning it behind her.

"Not so quick dear."

Chandrika yelped in pain and tried to twist out of his grip but Shiv jerked the knife away, clamping her beneath him with his body making it impossible for her to wriggle out. Realizing escape was impossible she looked fearfully at him.

"Now you will tell me who sent you ?"

He said, his eyes glaring in anger.

"Please your highness, I was forced to do this. Please forgive me" She said.

Her eyes streaming with tears.

"Tell me the name, then I might spare your life!" Shiv repeated, gritting his teeth in anger.

"He will kill me if I do so."

"And I will kill you now! If you don't reveal the name. Answer me Now!" He commanded.

"His Majesty Ganpatrai" She whispered.

Shivaditya released the terrified Chandrika.

"Get dressed! " He ordered.

He had a lot to ponder and analyze, having a half-naked Ganika in his room was kind of distracting. She dressed up quickly then he asked her to sit on the chair in the middle of the room and he started his interrogation.

"Why does Ganpatrai wants me dead?"

"I don't know your highness I was just forced to follow his orders." She replied sobbing.

"What you have done is treason and the punishment is death! " He said.

A fresh spate of tears filled her eyes "I don't have a choice, your highness. He has imprisoned my family and he threatened to kill them unless I followed his orders. I am ready to accept my fate but please spare my family."

Shivaditya felt empathy with the girl. It was hard to see a beautiful seductress turn into a crying mess.

"I will spare you if you do as I say. "

She nodded eagerly.

"Help me put on this armour," He said.

She looked puzzled yet helped him in trying up the heavy armour. He took out the knife which she had brought with her and cut his forearm so that it got bloodstained.

"Now go back to Ganpatrai and say you were successful in killing me and here's the proof. Leave with your girls for somewhere safe. Can I trust you with this?"

"I will do as you say, your highness," she said.


"I have one more question, your highness," She asked looking hesitant.


"I consider myself very well versed in my skills. I have never failed to seduce any man before. How did you resist me?"

Shivaditya smiled "You are indeed skilled, and very beautiful, trust me it wasn't easy," he grinned.

"But I have someone else in my heart. I have promised her I will always be faithful to her."

"She is indeed fortunate your highness" Chandrika smiled.

The gong sounded announcing the second prahar( phase) of the night.

"Perfect you can leave now," He said.

She bowed and left with the knife. Now all he had to do was wait.


Chitrangada was in the infirmary visiting the woman who had been released.

She was sick and weak hence Chitra had arranged for her treatment under the Royal healer.

The nurses and interns bowed as she entered the infirmary with Poonam.

The lady was lying on the bed with her eyes closed.

"How has she been?" Chitra asked one of the nurses.

"She is weak and dehydrated but nothing serious. She should recover in a few days."

Chitra was relieved " let me know when she gains consciousness."

She left after being assured of her well being.


Shivaditya waited while lying on the bed under a sheet as the sound of approaching footsteps increased. The door opened with a bang and he could hear the clanking of armours.

"Is he dead? Just check him" Ganpatrai said.

One of the soldiers slowly uncovered the sheet. Everything was a blur after that. Shivaditya rose immediately and struck the soldier with his sword.

Ganpatrai looked surprised as Shiv slew all the guards who came in.

Shivaditya placed his sword on Ganpatrai's neck " You thought you could kill me through honeytrap? Seriously? Do I look like a desperate 16-year-old?"

Ganpatrai trembled "How are you alive?"

Shiv smirked, "That's irrelevant, thanks for your hospitality. It wasn't easy to storm the Castle through the direct attack."

"What are you talking about?"

"I just played along when you tried to entice me with those beautiful ladies. I am not here for pleasure. Right now your entire army has been overtaken by my men. Your courtiers and family are under arrest. So either you cooperate or they will all be gone!"

"You can't do this....this is against dharmic laws."

"Oh really? And what you have been doing with your citizens is dharmic?"

Shivaditya said in anger.

" sorry..your highness. Please forgive me," Ganpatrai pleaded.

"Forgiveness? We'll talk about that later. First, you are going to answer my questions."

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