Chapter 40 - The battle

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Shivaditya's generals wondered people of the north had never been mastered before, how would they fare on this day?

The Imperial Army was dispersed into smaller teams and they made their way through the rocky terrain. Shivaditya was riding with one of the middle battalions.

He said to Jayaraj "Tell them to stay together, they are one army, let them be one, surround our opponents. Cut them off."

The Imperial Army followed their new instructions and soon had surrounded the less experienced and smaller rebel army of the north. The men left of the northern rebels were disarmed and shackled.

The Prince eagerly walked through the rows of captured soldiers. The imperial army had managed to identify their leader among them. Shivaditya stared down on this man.

"Why do you fight against the empire?"

The man defiantly spoke up to Shivaditya"We would rather fight than be ruled by you. You are tyrants!"

Shivaditya smiled and spoke for everyone to hear.

"None of you will know the pleasure of serving your King! Kill them all after interrogation!"

He walked away as his army bound the captured men.

He was sitting in his tent planning the next strategy when one of his generals arrived panting.

"Your highness! We have captured some more rebels from around the woods."

Shivaditya replied "Great! Then execute them, Venkatesh. You dont need to come to me for such trivial things."

The general hesitated "We cant... We cant do that your highness...they are....please you need to see them yourself."

Shivaditya furrowed his brows "This better be worth it general." He said and followed him out.

General Venkatesh guided him towards a clearing a little away from their camp.

A motley crowd of 20-25 women and children was standing surrounded by his soldiers.

Shivaditya looked at Venkatesh in anger "What nonsense is this! We dont capture women and children."

He had reached them by now. The kids ranging from 10-16 years, were a mix of boys and girls. All were dressed in very simple clothes and what looked like homemade armours! They were made of jute, straw, wood, bits of iron and whatever was available.

" Your Highness these are the weapons we confiscated from them," Venkatesh said.

The 'weapons' consisted of pheasant tools like pickaxes, sickles, hammers, homemade bows, and arrows.

Shivaditya didnt understand what to make of it.

"What is all this ?"

"Your highness they were hiding to attack us. They say they have taken up weapons against you. These are rebels."

Shivaditya looked at the crowd of peasants and proceeded towards them. They had such hatred in their eyes he was surprised.

Shivditya folded his arms and looked at the crowd.

"This is a battleground. Its no place for kids what are you doing here ?"

The motley crowd shrank back. One little girl broke into sobs. A young boy barely 15 who seemed to be their leader looked at him arrogantly, " we have come here to fight! fight with us !"

Shivaditya repressed his laugh "What is your name boy ?"

"Kumar," the boy said


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