Chapter 38- The dungeons

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Poonam walked close to Devburman. Their bodies almost touching. The dungeon used to be dark throughout the year. He had asked her to wait for a few days then sent her a message to meet him tonight.

He was escorting her into the dungeons. She followed meekly him as he asked the menacing-looking guards to open the dungeons and asked the location of the old woman.

She was at the lowest level among the most dangerous criminals.

"She is just an old woman why has she been put in the lowest levels?" Poonam asked.

"What she did amounts to treason. Such prisoners are kept at the lowest levels" He replied.

"What will they do to her?"

"The penalty for treason is execution." He said casually.

Poonam looked at him horrified " Oh no! But they said there would be a trial."

He chuckled "It's an open and shut case the trial would be just a formality."

They had now reached the second level of the dungeons. She could hear howling, crying, screaming, maniacal shouting all sorts of noises from the prisoners lodged in different cells.

"This is what hell would look like," she thought.

The dungeon was an underground cavern which had cells cut into it. A spiralling staircase had been cut into the walls to go down. The walls were damp and the air smelled musty.

She shivered and went closer to Dev.

He offered her his hand saying " The stairs are uneven it would be better if you hold my hand."

She grudgingly took his hand. He held her tightly as they descended the steps.

The lowest level was chilly to the point of freezing.

Some of the prisoners were shouting and banging on their cell's bars as they walked. She kept her eyes straight ahead to avoid looking at them. One of them tried to grab her through his bars.

She screamed and clutched Devburman's arms.

He glared at the prisoner and wrapped his arm around her, "are you alright ?"

She nodded.

Fortunately, they reached the cell soon. She peered through the bars. At first, the cell looked empty then as her eyes adjusted to the darkness she could see a frail figure lying in the corner. It wasn't moving.

"I need to go in," she said to Dev.

He nodded and asked the guard to open the cell door. The lock opened with a click and she entered the cell, followed by Dev.

The cell was dingy and dirty despite that Poonam sat down next to the lying figure. She was dressed in rags and Poonam could see red welts where the whips had hit her. She gently touched her. She didnt move.

Afraid that the woman might be sick or worse dead Poonam said, " excuse me lady are you awake ?"

The woman stirred and opened her eyes.

She jerked and sat up immediately. Then crawled into the corner.

"Please dont be a scared lady. I am here to help." Poonam said.

"Go away! I dont want to see any of you lot."

The woman shouted.

"Mam! I am not royalty, I am just another commoner like you. Please talk to me."

"You are still one of them. Go away !"

Dev lost his patience "Look woman we are trying to help you. So just listen to the nice lady here. Otherwise, I won't be that nice !"

Poonam stopped him from speaking further.

She said in a gentle voice " I can't claim to know what you have gone through but I have lost my uncle and cousins in the wars. I know how it feels. Please talk to me. I want to help you."

The woman relaxed and finally said, "What do you want from me ?"

"What happened to you? Why did you attack the princess ?"

" This war! I lost everything in this war! That princess is our enemy. That is why !"

"I dont understand," Poonam said.

"Several years ago, I lost my husband in a great war. He was a skilled soldier. Do you know how he died? He was captured and executed by the king of Navsarika !" The woman spat in anger.

"We had been married for barely a year. I raised our son to be a fine man. But the drought and the taxes killed him. He could not pay on time and the feudal lord arrested him. He died in jail. I lost everything."

She started sobbing.

"You are from which province lady?" Dev asked.

"Vijayanagar" The woman replied.

Devburman looked tensed.

Poonam held the lady and consoled her until her sobbing subsided.

They left after some time.

While walking back Poonam said to Dev "Your highness is it possible for a maester to check on her and maybe transfer her to a better cell ?"

"It would all be a waste. She will be executed soon. The punishment for treason is death!"

"The Princess will be very upset. She wants to pardon her."

He turned back to look at her "Really? Why so? She hates Navsarika and everyone from that place."

"She has misplaced her anger. Even my uncle and cousins died in wars fighting against you people, that doesn't mean I hate you or others from the Chalukya empire."

"I am glad to know that" then grinned at her.

"As a soldier, it was their duty to fight. I am happy they died performing their duty, wars will continue to happen. Yes, they can be minimized but they can never be removed otherwise the negative forces will overpower the right. I can't hate innocent civilians of any country just because I lost my loved ones. Casualties happen on both sides."

He was looking at her as if he had seen her for the first time.

"Have you read Bhagwat Geeta ?" He asked.

"No, but I have heard it. My father used to read it to me."

"That is why you are wise beyond your age lady. Now, let's get out of this goddammed place !" He held her hand again and escorted her out.

"Thanks for your help, your highness !" Poonam said once they were out.

He simply shrugged.

"How can we save that woman?"

"Only King can pardon her. Your Princess needs to convince the king."

"How about the queen ?" Poonam asked.

"It will still need the final seal of approval from the king."

Poonam was thoughtful for a moment, "ok I will inform her highness. I should leave now."

"Dont forgets our deal" he grinned.

She nodded nervously and left wondering why he was so interested in her company.

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