Chapter 20 - The Talk

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Within minutes a huge table was laid, platters of food and drinks were carried in by several attendants and laid on it.

Shivaditya hogged happily whereas Chitra barely touched her food.

"Why don't you eat something, dear?" He asked sweetly.

"I am not hungry," she replied moodily.

He shrugged and continued eating, infuriating her further.

After dinner, she waited patiently for the plates to be cleared away. As soon as the last servant left she looked at him expectantly. It was a moonlit night and their tent was glowing with moonlight and oil lamp. Shivaditya looked at Chitra's glowing innocent face. She was so beautiful, so exquisite and now she belonged to him.

He cupped her face and caressed her cheeks. Her knees went weak.

He brushed his lips on her and his other hand snaked around her and held her close. She had a sudden urge to hold him tight and a virginal fear to run away and hide. She realized he was her husband now. And he had his rights.

A cold dread went through her.

He was busy nuzzling her neck slowly reaching for her ear. His hands were busy trailing on her back removing her veil which had slipped away long ago. She froze and looked away nervously.

He realized her discomfort and looked at her "What is wrong Chitra ?"

She just looked at him confused and scared she said "I...I...know what you want. My friends told me what happens after marriage."

He stepped back and gave her an amused smile "Your friends talk about that? What happens after marriage ?"

She recalled Vikram's words. Maybe all men expected the same things?

"You have needs. Mother has told me to always obey you and when you have needs I have to...what do you usually do? "

He laughed "You tell me what do I have to do?"

"How am I supposed to know that?" She said irritated.

"Your friends didnt explain?" He asked teasingly.

She blushed. She was supposed to be angry with him. Shivaditya was having a hard time keeping straight face. She looked beautiful, as always, but the red bridal saari and those sparkling jewellery added to her beauty. He lowered his gaze.

She painted such a lovely picture, her saari pooled about her and slender hands entwined in the folds. She was staring up at him too, intently, which only allowed the lamps to shed their warm light over the delicate beauty of her features; as before, he admired that sharp intelligence in her eyes, that arch in her brow that suggested keenness of spirit. And even now, despite her fear, she looked impeccably elegant, with straight posture and shoulders pressed back, which also did nothing to hide her slender figure and soft curves.

She continued "But you are my husband and you have rights. You can do whatever you wish."

Shivaditya realized she had finished speaking and was now looking at him with her amber eyes.

"Chitrangada I didn't marry you for this." He said quietly, she wasnt quite ready for what he wanted.

"Then why did you marry me ?" she asked.

"Because that was the honourable thing to do because I was responsible for your misfortune" he replied.

"So you married me as a favour?" She looked disappointed.

He chuckled.

"I already told you that I wanted you the moment I saw you, so it is not a favour on you, rather its a favour on myself." His handsome face glowed in the dim light, the shadows sharpened the contours of his face.

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