Chapter 62 - Rescued

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Vikram twisted his head around as the double doors to his bedroom crashed open.

Chitra looked under his outstretched arm, silently thanking the person, whoever they may be, for interrupting him and saving her from further humiliation.

"Shiv!" she screamed.

Shivaditya stood in the doorway, his bloodied broadsword raised, his face an armourer covered in dirt and blood.

Shiv's gaze swept the scene before him. His face reddened in rage as he spied Vikram on top of her.

Shiv advanced on Vikram, grinding his teeth in anger. He pointed the tip of his sword at Vikram's throat.

"Take your filthy hands off my wife," he spat at Vikram. His anger was almost palpable.

Vikram grinned, he let go of her neck and raised his hands slowly.

"As you wish," he said. "I have already done what I needed to do."

"Get off my wife, NOW," he growled, pressing the sword into the flesh of Vikram's, neck, drawing blood, but not deep enough to injure a major vessel.

Chitra whimpered in relief as Vikram got off her.

"Now move over there," Shiv said, his sword still pressed against Vikram's neck.

"Shiv please untie me" Chitra pleaded. He looked at her battered body covered in bruises and cut,

"Don't move" he gave a warning look at Vikram who looked at them with a bored expression.

Shiv untied her knot and she slid quickly from the bed. Shiv turned to her, lifting her face gently with his fingers.

"Are you alright Chitra?" he asked, searching her face, her eyes swimming with tears.

Chitra couldn't answer as a fresh wave of tears threatened to overpower her. Instead, she leaned her head against the hard metal of his breastplate and closed her eyes, enjoying the coolness it provided. Shiv's free arm pulling her tightly against him in a comforting hug.

"Shhh," he said softly, lowering his face to kiss her head. "I'm here now."

"She is ruined Shiv, I made sure of that," drawled Vikram from across the room, waking the two to his presence.

"Shut up Vikram!" Shiv shouted.

Chitra felt Shiv bristle and pull away from her. She pulled at his hand as he was about to strike him.

"No," she said quietly.

Shiv gazed at her in utter confusion.

"Princess... You know what I must do."

"I know what your heart demands you to do Shiv - I want him dead as well," she said slowly, folding her arms over her semi-naked body. "I do not disagree with his execution - just the manner of it."

Shiv offered her his cloak which she gladly wrapped around herself.

"I don't understand, what difference does it make if I kill him here or somewhere else?"

"It matters a great deal Shiv. It sends a powerful message to your enemies that their actions will be dealt with brutally. There is no benefit in running him through with your sword in this room," she said, pausing to swallow the relatively large lump in her throat.

"But if you hang him in the city, with thousands watching - you will reap the rewards of a public execution."

"Excuse me I am a king! On what charges are you going to execute me?" Vikram was still cocky.

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