Chapter 6 - The jailer

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She screamed again and started to cry "Please kill me I don't want to live anymore. My mother will die of shame."

He went up to her trying to pacify her. He sat in front of her while she coiled back in terror as he tried to touch her shoulder. He pulled back his hands.

"Forgive me for teasing you. We did not share the bed we did not share anything at all. I did change your dress because that was a necessity. You were burning with fever. I swear my eyes were closed, I didn't look."

Chitra looked up still looking doubtful.

"You didn' didn't see ?" She stammered.

"Nothing at all! trust me I am not lying. Have no fear your honour is very much intact and it will remain so till you are under my protection."

She relaxed a little "Why should I trust you ?"

"Do you have a choice ?" He asked.

She bit her lips thoughtfully. He didn't seem that menacing from this close.

He was very handsome with kind eyes.

"Don't look at me like that !" He suddenly said.

She dropped her amber gaze down "But that doesn't make any difference. If anyone ever learns of the fact that I was kidnapped my reputation will be ruined".

He replied, "Nobody will ever hear a word from me, and I won't let anyone get wind of it. You have my word".

"But people will know that I have disappeared from my parent's home and ...where is Poonam? She was also with me. Did you abduct her as well ?"

He thought for a moment "There was no other lady. Did she escape? Or fell prey to the Bandits?"

He decided not to fret her "She escaped" he lied.

Chitra felt some consolation that Poonam was safe. Though her heart was hammering in fear she tried to keep up a brave face.

"Btw we haven't been properly introduced. Who are you, lady ?" He asked.

"You don't know who I am? Why did you abduct me ?" She said annoyed.

"Well, sometimes we just undertake some random enterprises. A beautiful lady covered in jewellery. No self-respecting bandit would resist such temptation" He grinned.

"So either you tell me your identity yourself or, I have other ways to find out," He said with a glint making her shiver.

"I am Chitrangda. Princess of Navsarika" She whispered.

Shivaditya's smile vanished. This could lead to a lot of possibilities.

"Interesting! " He appraised her from top to bottom in a new light "I have heard praises of your beauty. I am honoured to meet you in person Princess Chitrangda".

He bowed.

"May I know whom I am talking to Mr? What should I call you ?" She said

"It's already established that I am a bandit so that's my introduction. You may call me Shiv."

"May I ask you what were you doing alone in the forest ?"

"I went hunting, I was feeling suffocated in the Palace and just wanted some fresh air, so I went riding with Poonam my lady in waiting."

"Without bodyguards? Isn't it rather reckless for a princess to go riding alone ?"

"I went out secretly, Oh no! My parents won't even realize that I have gone missing! They would be worried to death" Her eyes welled up again.

Shivaditya's heart wrenched when those lovely amber eyes teared up again. He wished he could comfort her that she was safe and not in the captivity of bandits but it was better if she remained in the dark.

"Princess please stop crying. I will send a message to your parents soon that you are safe. I would also return you once.....once things are settled down."

"You will send me back? Really? Oh! Please when will you send me back ?"

"I can't answer this question now but I assure you soon. For now, you need to be fed and nursed back to health."

He stood up ready to leave "Don't even think of escaping. It's impossible! I will send someone with breakfast. You must be famished."

"I am sorry your Majesty we could not find the Princess. We did find her dead horse though" The commander General Bheemsen said with a bowed head.

Raja Kirtiveer had not slept a wink the whole night. He had immediately called for his chief advisor when he got the news from a hysterical maid that the queen had fainted in her chamber. The maester had given her sedatives to sleep. This had to be handled very delicately.

"Your majesty! Please let it be known that the Princess is visiting her grandmother in malwa to get her blessings before the wedding. Meanwhile, I will send the search party under Bheemsen to look for the Princess. It would tarnish our reputation if the news of her kidnapping gets leaked " Chief advisor Maansing had said previous night as soon as Kirtiveer had called for him.

"I just want my daughter back safe. I don't care about the reputation" Kirtiveer said

"I assure you we'll get back the Princess safe and sound but for that, I need to interrogate lady Poonam. She was the eyewitness" Maansing said.

Poonam fell into his feet and cried "It's all my fault. I couldn't do anything. I should have stopped her Highness but I failed in my duty. I deserve death !"

"The biggest service you can do right now is to tell us everything in detail so that we can find the Princess soon. Will you cooperate ?"

Poonam looked at him and nodded.

Now Kirtiveer was feeling frustrated and impatient. Each passing moment was excruciating for him.

"We got some clues for the Princess though" The commander-general continued. "There were bodies of slain bandits where we found the dead horse. We also found some of the jewellery which belongs to the Princess. There were signs of struggle. It seems there was a gang war and one of the gang took away the Princess."

"How soon can you find her ?" Kirtiveer asked.

"We are trying our best your majesty. I have also alerted all my spies across the border. It's possible that she was taken away into the neighbouring kingdom."

Kirtiveer's eyebrows shot up "We do have border skirmishes with the Chalukyas but I didn't expect they would go to this level! I will decimate them if they harm my daughter" He was shaking in anger.

Meaning intervened. "Your Majesty please calm down. We are still investigating. Let's not assume things."

"Just find her Mansingh. I shudder to think about what tortures she might be enduring."

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