Chapter 12 - Letting go

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Indu checked the man sleeping next to her. The powder which she had slipped into the wine had worked.

The royal guard was sleeping like a log. It was easy. All she had to do was offer him a drink and flap her eyelashes, he had followed her like a puppy.

"Men are so predictable" She smiled.

Now that the coast was clear she slipped into the chief advisor's office. She knew the room well. She had often come here on the pretext of cleaning.

She rummaged through the papers in the drawer and got what she was looking for. There were few letters but one was enough to get the deed done and not raise any suspicion. She hid the letter in her dress and left.

Now all she needed to do was wait for the right moment and the right person.

"Princess Chitrangda! I will ruin you" She muttered to herself.


Shivaditya was fuming with anger and frustration. How could he be so stupid?

Crown price Shivaditya the model of decorum turned into a salivating teenager whenever he was near Chitrangda.

But she was his heart fluttered whenever she was near him.

"I have to make her mine," He thought.

His train of thoughts was interrupted by Jayaraj who came up to him with the news "I have caught the mole, your highness!" He said

Shivaditya nodded "have you interrogated him ?"

"Yes, your Highness! And what he revealed was interesting "

Shivaditya raised his eyebrows.

"It's better if you get the first-hand account," Jayaraj said.

Shivaditya followed him towards the dungeon. A man, probably a common soldier was sitting in a corner, his hands shackled and face bloodied.

Jayaraj had already been through with him.

As Shivaditya approached him he whispered to the bloodied man.

"Say whatever you told me to His Highness!" Jayaraj commanded.

"Your life is in danger, your highness !" He whimpered.

"I know it and you were hired to do so ?"

"No, I was just told to keep an eye on you and your whereabouts."

"And who is trying to kill me ?"

"I don't know your highness. I haven't met the man himself."

Shivaditya rolled his eyes in frustration he was already in need of a cold shower. Being with the princess and keeping his hands to himself was not easy.

"Look I am already in a bad mood. Just spill it out, I may let you live," Shivaditya commanded.

The man paused for a moment "The Feudal Lords here are collaborating with someone from Badami, to overthrow your father. They are planning a coup".

Shivaditya was on alert he had concluded that much during his stay here. The feudal leaders were not happy with the tax reductions introduced by his father they continued harassing the locals for old tax rates.

"Greedy Bastards !" He thought.

"Your Highness! What should we do with him ?" Jayaraj repeated his question breaking his train of thoughts.

"Oh! Do whatever you see fit. He is as useless as the person who hired him," Shivaditya replied annoyed " We need to leave for the capital tomorrow, but first, we'll return the Princess".

Jayaraj nodded.

That night Chitrangda cried herself to sleep. Her life would never be the same again. She was destined to be miserable for the rest of her life pining for Shiv.

The next morning she was woken up early by her attendant who had already drawn a bath for her. She wondered how and when were they supposed to leave for Navsarika, how would her parents react when she turned up suddenly.

Shiv didn't join her for meals but after lunch Jayaraj informed her that they were ready to leave.

She followed him out to see Shiv and his men dressed in black. Their faces covered, their weapons ready.

They didn't exchange any word. She mounted one of his horses and they proceeded for the trip.

Chitrangda was out of his stronghold for the first time and she was surprised to see the unknown terrain. It was Rocky yet dotted with lush greenery. She could hear the gush of the waterfall which echoed off the hills.

She couldn't make out their whereabouts. It was definitely beyond the forest. As far as she knew the forest was the border. Who was he? Was she in the Chalukyas Empire?

She didn't have the guts to talk to him again after last night and this was probably the last time she would see him ever. She stifled a sniff.

Shiv looked at her and asked, "Are you alright?"

She replied, "yes I am far we have to go ?"

Shiv replied, "We would reach by evening and I would prefer to drop you after dark so that no one sees you because that would be safe for you as well as your reputation".

"But it would still be news if I turn up suddenly in the Palace."

"You are in Malwa officially, so don't worry," he said.

"What ?" She asked puzzled.

"As per official announcement you are visiting your grandmother in Malwa."

"So that's the story which my father made up to save my reputation," She thought.

She asked, "where are we now ?"

He replied, "does it matter?? You will be home today. So don't ponder over the details".

She asked on impulse "Will we meet again?"

He stared back at her "Let's not test fate Princess".

Her heart ached with each step. They completed their journey in a few hours and after reaching the edge of the forest they stopped and waited. Chitrangda looked around and almost gasped in horror to see the commander-general of Navsarika arriving with few imperial soldiers.

Shiv said to her "You are free to leave now princess" He turned and left along with his gang members.

Chitrangda sadly looked at him until he disappeared. Her eyes streaming with tears.

"Your highness!" The commander-general said as he reached her, "glad to see you safe and well. His Majesty is waiting for you."

"How did you know I would be here ?"

"We were informed, your highness!"

Shiv was riding fast his eyes were wet. He just had to get away from here as soon as possible. He was not going back to his hunting lodge now, not ever, that place was filled with too many memories. It would kill him there. He had other plans.

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