Chapter 23 - Secrets

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Shivaditya, looked in horror as Chitra staggered and leaned against the edge. He rushed to hold her in his arms before she could topple over.

She had fainted and lay limp in his arms.

"Chitra!" He whispered then glared at Devburman who simply shrugged and walked away.

Without wasting anymore me he carried her inside.


Chitra was lying on a huge bed while the maester checked her pulse. Shivaditya looked on worriedly.

"She is exhausted. The long journey has worn her out. Just let her rest she would be fine in a few days."

Kamakshi and Vijaya sighed with relief while the maester prescribed some herbs.

"Son, don't worry Chitra is fine. I will postpone the rituals until she gets better" Vijaya said.

Shivaditya nodded.

He made sure that Chitra was comfortable then went to look for Devburman. Dev was duelling with a soldier when Shiv found him. The soldier stopped, looked at his direction and bowed.

Dev stopped duelling, turned towards Shiv and wiped his brows. He at gestured his opponent to leave.

"What did you tell her ?" Shivaditya asked as soon as they were alone.

"I didn't mean to startle her. I had no idea she didn't know about Mrignayani." Dev replied casually.

Shiv closed his eyes for a moment. That name was still traumatic for him.

"What was the need to say anything to her ?" Shivaditya said in anger.

"She would find out eventually. It's not something you can erase from people's memories. People talk. Sooner she knows better it would be. I am surprised you didn't tell her yourself. What else have you been hiding from her? Hmmm " Dev smirked.

Shivaditya face tightened in anger. They were not always like this. They had been close while growing up. Though Shivaditya had taken away the title of crown Prince from him. There were no bad feelings between them until that incident 6 years ago which overturned his life.

"Don't interfere in my life! Uncle is already exiled. If you..."

"If what? " Devburman snapped."You will exile me as well? I don't care. Just go ahead and do it !"

Dev replied and walked away in a huff.

Shivaditya gave him a piercing look then left in anger.


Chitra opened her eyes to the bright sunlight. It took her a while to adjust to her surrounding.

She recalled Dev's words and immediately sat up.

"Bhabhi !" Kamakshi said and got up from her chair and held Chitra.

"Bhabhi are you ok?"

" Where is Shiv ?" Chitra asked stoically.

"I sent him away to catch some sleep. He was awake all night sitting beside you. I asked him to rest while I checked on you. How are you feeling now ?"

"I am fine," Chitra replied.

Then she suddenly asked "Kamakshi tell me about his first wife. Who was she? How did she die ?"

Kamakshi turned pale.

" Who told you about her ?"

"It doesn't matter. I want to know the truth. Please Kamakshi just tells me what happened." Chitra pleaded.

Kamakshi pondered a bit.

"Nobody talks about it. Bhaiya is very touchy about it. It happened about 6 years ago. Bhaiya was just 18 when father got him married to the Chola Princess Mrignayani. They had been married for barely a few months when she fell off the terrace and died. Those were terrible days. Bhaiya left to fight in war after that. He has rarely been home in the last 6 years. He just comes back once in a few months, takes some orders from father then goes off to fight again. He has been at war constantly."

Chitrangada was still reeling from this information. Why did he hide this? Was it an accident? What else was he hiding from her?

"He never told me about her. Does he have other wives ?" She said angrily.

"No bhabhi. It's not like that. He doesn't want to talk about her. Father has forbidden any discussion regarding that incident." Kamakshi explained.

Chitra still looked unconvinced.

"Bhabhi, please don't overthink. Bhaiya was very young, and he was traumatized by that incident. He never talks about it. He loves you that is why he went through all the troubles to marry you. Please don't be mad at him."

Chitra smiled at her words. Kamakshi was a pure-hearted girl.

"I am fine Kamakshi. I am just shocked and overwhelmed. Please inform her majesty that I am ready to complete all the rituals."

Kamakshi nodded happily and went off to inform queen Vijaya.

As the news of her recovery became known, the next person to rush in to see her was Shivaditya. He scurried in and hugged her tightly.

"You frightened me! Please don't do this again." He whispered.

Her heart was in turmoil. One part of her never wanted to leave him the other half didn't trust him. She felt as if she didn't know him at all.

Everything appeared to be a lie.

She tried to push him away.

"I need to get ready. Mother would be waiting for us for the rituals." She struggled to get out of his grip.

"To hell with those rituals! You need to rest. " He released then brushed her cheeks with his thumb. He had dark circles under his eyes and he looked exhausted.

"I am fine now. It's not good to postponed auspicious rituals. I need to go...." She averted her eyes and looked away.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked.

"I don't know what to think of you, your highness. It's like I don't know you at all. What else have you been hiding? Any other wives? Bastard children? Hmm?" She glared at him angrily.

He looked disappointed.

"I didn't want to keep you in dark. It's just something painful to talk about." He looked hurt.

"Did you love her ?" She asked.

He looked at her incredulously.

"I love you that's all matters. I don't want to talk about this." He said through gritted teeth.

"This won't do your highness !" She removed his hands from her face and moved away.

"Your Highness! The queen is here to see you" Her attendant announced.

Chitra nodded.

Vijaya arrived and smiled on seeing them together.

"Kamakshi informed me that you are feeling better. Glad to see that you are fine now. Shiv was so worried. He hasn't slept a wink since you fell ill."

Chitra felt her heart sink and looked at Shiv.

"I am sorry to trouble everyone but I am fine now," Chitra said.

"Don't fret about it." Vijaya smiled and after making sure that Chitranagada was healthy enough, she left to prepare for the ceremonies.

Chitrangda was back to her cold self as soon as the queen left.

"Please leave, I need to get ready." She said coldly.

"Chitra, I am sorry," Shiv whispered.

"Sorry will not undo things, your highness. Now please leave me alone." Chitra snapped.

Shiv sighed then left her chamber.

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