Chapter 34 - The warning

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Poonam was equally enthralled by the Chalukyas Palace. She was yet to see much but the stories of their grandeur and opulence were very much true.

She was here to take care of the Princess. Chitranagada had saved her life from the bandits and Poonam was forever indebted to her.

After her wedding, Raja Kirtiveer had set up an investigation to find out who had revealed those secret letters. It was easily discovered that Indu had betrayed them.

However, Indu had left with Vasantsena and joined her personal staff. She could not be punished for her treachery but Poonam was determined someday she would get her.

After Shivaditya left, Chitrangda was inconsolable for 2 days refusing food.

It was only after The Queen Vijaya intervened and explained to her that wars were part of a King's life. She better get used to it. Chitrangada had finally agreed to eat.

To divert her mind Poonam suggested they should go riding. Chitrangada had agreed to it hence Poonam decided to get horses prepared for them.

She walked toward the stables.

The stables here were much bigger than Navsarika. She had been horse riding with Chitra for years so she had a fair idea of her preferences.

She looked around at the stalls which had several different breeds of horses.

"Excuse me, sir, I need 2 horses," She said to a man who looked like he was feeding the horses.

He turned around to face her while she gasped "Your highness! I am sorry I didn't realize it's you."

Devburman smirked, "So the new minion of the princess is here ?"

She looked confused.

He walked straight at her while she backed off into the corner.

"What's your name girl ?"

"Poonam" she replied softly.

"Who are you? We were never introduced properly."

"I am ladies in waiting of Princess Chitrangada, I am from Navsarika."

"Hmmm, and why do you need horses ?" He asked.

"It's for the Princess. She wants to go horse riding."

"Really? I thought she would be missing the Prince."

"Oh, she is! She is very depressed that's why I wanted to divert her mind."

He continued scrutinizing her lazily.

"Perhaps it would be better if she could stop these stupid wars then she would not need to miss anyone."

" How can anyone stop wars? Its the duty of Kshatriyas to fight."

"Yes but for protecting the right. To defend themselves. Not to exploit and claim unnecessary glory."

Poonam looked puzzled. He was much older than her probably around 30. Chitrangada didnt like him so there must be a reason. Though he had very kind eyes and for some reason Poonam trusted him.

He seemed wise. Much wiser than most men she knew.

"I am just a simple commoner your highness. I dont understand the complexities of politics. I am here just to serve my Princess. Perhaps you should discuss these things with his majesty or his highness."

His lips twitched into a smile.

"But when there is a war it's the commoners who suffer most isn't it?"

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