Chapter 27 - Looking for answers

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The Palace gossip spreads like wildfire. The prince and the princess sleeping in the separate chamber on the wedding night was noticed by the maids.

The fact that they were not even talking to each other even after two days was glaringly noticeable.

So much so that the queen had to summon Chitra to clarify the rumours.

"Is it true Chitra? That the prince and you were in the separate chamber on your wedding night?" Queen Vijaya asked.

Fortunately, her inner court was devoid of other court ladies, otherwise, Chitra would have been embarrassed to death.

She looked down pondering over her answer.

"I may have offended him, your majesty," she replied softly.

Vijaya frowned." Offend him? How did you manage to do that?"

"High highness was already married, earlier, isn't it? He never told me about it." Chitra mumbled.

Vijaya shook her head, "Is that all? Well, that was an unfortunate accident. Shivaditya was deeply traumatized, hence his majesty has forbidden everyone from bringing it up." She said, looking at Chitrangda meaningfully.

"So I should simply submit to my husband? I don't have any right to know about his past? His other...dalliances?" Chitra asked a little aghast.

Polygamy among kings was normal and acceptable. It wasnt unusual for kings to have multiple wives or concubines, however, Chitranagada was brought up differently. Her father had just one wife and as a sole heir and Putrika, she had more freedom than other princesses. She was also extremely jealous of any other women being with her Shiv. The thought of him being with another woman (even though dead) was driving her crazy.

Vijaya raised an eyebrow she was brought with different values.

"Of course you can ask Chitra, but your duties are towards your husband and his kingdom. He is not an ordinary man. He is the crown prince. You are the crown princess and future Queen. You must provide an heir. That is your main duty."

Chitra looked on appalled.

She had barely been married for days and yet to consummate. There was already pressure for an heir. She looked at the queen distressed.

"I don't mean now, but in near future, you will be expected to do your duties. When I married Hu is majesty. He already had 2 wives but I was one who gave him Shivaditya, his heir." Vijaya said proudly as if that was her only achievement in life.

Chitra wanted to roll her eyes but refrained from doing so. lest it insulted the queen.

"What if Shivaditya decides to get a second wife? You would have to live with her, isn't it? You are lucky that the first one is not around anymore. You can keep him all for yourself." Vijaya added.

Chitra looked incradelously. She would never accept that. Shiv was only hers. She would never let him have another woman. Be it past, present or future.

"Do you understand Chitra?" The queen asked breaking her reverie.

She nodded stiffly. She didnt want to argue any further. The queen would never understand her.

"I didnt mean to offend you, your majesty, but I will try my best to do my duties," Chitra replied stiffly.

"Good, and do not deny your husband. A noble-born woman doesn't do that."

Chitrangada pressed her lips in annoyance.

"My mother has sent some gifts for you as a part of the f bridal dowry, please accept it, my queen," Chitra said, to end the discussion and get out of the court.

The queen smiled and nodded.


Chitra left the inner court with her ladies in waiting and walked towards her carriage. She was even more enraged than earlier. She was supposed to forget everything and just produce an heir. She would never agree for such a settlement.

Sound of hoofbeats caught her attention. A cavalry of soldiers was being led by Devburman. She peered at him and thought ugh occurred to her. Perhaps, he could tell her more about Shivaditya's past.

She turned towards her maid.

"Where can I find Prince Devburman ?"

The maid looks alarmed "Why do you want to meet him, Your Highness ?"

"It's our tradition to give gifts to all the in-laws when they reach their Sasural ( husband's home). I have already given them to mother and Kamakshi but I didn't see Devburman during the ceremonies. I need to give him his gift."

"Your highness you can order me or anyone to take his gift to him. You don't need to visit yourself."

"Did I ask for your opinion?" Chitra said sternly.

"Do attendants here defy orders so openly?" Chitra said will all authority she could muster.

"Forgive me, Your Highness! I was just...." The maid stammered.

"Don't give me any advice until asked. So tell me now. Where can I find Devburman ?"

"His quarters are in the west wing and he is in charge of training the soldiers so he mostly spends his time in the barracks or the stable."

"Good so tell me where are the stables and the barracks ?" Chitra said with a smile.

Devburman was looking at the soldiers duelling around him. He heard a commotion and looked in that direction. To his surprise, Chitrangada was walking towards him. She stood out like a single rose among a jumble of fighting sweating men.

They stopped and parted ways, bowing down to her as she approached. He smirked.

"Welcome Princess, what brings you here ?" he bowed and greeted her.

"Your Highness! I didn't see you during the ceremonies earlier, hence I was looking for you." She replied politely.

"Me? No only need me around here. Anyway, why were you looking for me?" He said with an amused smile.

"To give you, your gifts. We have a tradition of giving gifts to our laws. My mother has carefully selected a few things for you."

She gestured at the attendant carrying a box.

Devburman laughed "I was not expecting this. Thank you. Is that all?"

She paused "I had few questions for you as well. If you would care to answer."

He raised an eyebrow " You think I am the right person to answer your queries? Why not ask your husband?"

She didn't reply and looked away.

"Seems like he refused to cooperate."

He laughed "this is interesting".

" Will you please help me?" She said.

"Why would you trust me? I am the traitor's son after all."

She looked at him surprised.

"You didn't know? Do you know anything at all? " he chuckled.

"I am afraid No, but I am trying to learn."

Maybe her sincerity melted his heart or he was trying to manipulate her. Whatever may be the reason he agreed to answer her question."

"Come with me." He said.

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