Chapter 46 - The lovers

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Devburman shifted uncomfortably. He knew this was going to happen one day. He had tried his best to deter this from happening.

He wasn't interested in being the king ever. But his father had other ambitions.

He looked morosely at the shackled men being brought into the court. He tightened his fists in rage. He could feel the eyes of other courtiers boring into him.

They were full of contempt, mockery, sympathy even pity. He just wanted to shut them all.

Shubhraj walked slowly dragging the heavy chains he was bound in. His eyes are bloodshot.

He glanced at Devburman then looked away.

The chief counsellor read out his sentence "Prince Shubhraj you have been accused of treason, plotting against the empire even after being exiled and indulging in the forbidden slave trade. Punishment for all of this is death!"

"Do you want to say anything Prince Shubhraj?" Bhojraj asked.

"It doesn't matter what I say. You have already labelled me a traitor whereas the truth is you have been selfish. I was fine with me not getting the throne. But then you went ahead and deprived my son of his right! Not just the throne but even his....."

"That's enough!" Devburman's voice echoed in the throne room.

" I don't want you worrying about my life!" Devburman said.

There were shock and surprise on everyone's face including Shubhraj.

"You to son?"  He said.

" too" Devburman replied. He chocked, unable to say anything and left the throne room. He couldn't bear to see his father being sentenced to death!

Poonam who had been observing the turn of event from the upper pavilion for the common people felt a tug in her heart.

Shivaditya looked curiously as Devburman left. He had no solid proof of his involvement but there was some communication going between father and the son.

Maharaj Bhojraj said, "Take him away."

Shubhraj was taken away to the depts of the dungeon awaiting his fate.

"Now that we are done away with the unpleasant stuff let the celebrations begin!" Bhojraj announced.

Shivaditya took his seat next to Chitrangada, they looked at each other briefly and smiled.

The celebrations were a series of feasts accompanied by dance and music. The city was decorated as if for a wedding. Platters of food were arranged in every street corner for the people. Entertainers were roaming around delighting the kids.

Only 2 people waited impatiently for everything to get over.

Shiv could barely glance at Chitra among the festivities although she looked ravishing. He wouldn't have minded grabbing her right there are kissing her senseless but that would have caused a scandal of epic scale. So he waiting.

It was late night when Shivaditya finally reached his quarters.

He looked around for Chitrangada and found her in her chamber, still dressed in her court dress, with her maids. They were helping her to change into her nightclothes. Chitra was removing her heavy neckless when she saw Shiv in the mirror.

"I want everyone out! Right now" He commanded.

The maids giggled while Chitra turned crimson.

She got up immediately adjusting her pallu.

"Your highness," She said blushing.

He didn't say anything, as soon as the last maid was out he closed the distance between them. Cupped her face with his hand and captured her lips.

He kissed her deep his tongue probing her mouth as if they have been hungry for a long time. Chitra closed her eyes and shivered. She grabbed the back of his head pulling him closer reciprocating to the kiss. She felt his hands on his back pulling at the complicated mesh of threads binding her blouse.

Her pallu had fallen from her body long back.

He broke the kiss breathing hard looking at her.

"How much do you like this dress?"

She blinked surprised at his question.

"I like it enough to wear it for you."

He looked down.

"Hmmm, don't wear such a complicated thing again, now turn back." He commanded.

Surprised she obeyed.

She felt a slash of the the the dagger as he tore the threads with his dagger.

She immediately put her hand on the front of her blouse as it loosened, she stared at her ruined blouse"what did you do... Do you know how long it takes to tie them up?"

He grinned and pulled her into a hug his chin resting on her shoulders "I will get you new ones. Make sure they are simple to remove. I missed you."

" I missed you too" She replied her voice heavy with emotion.

"Promise me you will never leave me again."

She felt his lips curling into a smile.

"You know I can't do that."

"Then let me go " She tried to pull herself from his hug.

He laughed " No games, please. It was such a torture."

She stopped "Shiv what's wrong?"

She said gently caressing his back.

"We can talk about that later tonight. Right now I just want you."

He released her from his hug, picked up in arms, and proceeded towards the bed. His mouth began to ravish her lips again. His hand busy removing their barrier of clothes and lips busy nibbling her most sensitive areas.

Soon his initial gentleness gave way to a fired frenzy, they gasped and moaned as every nerve of their bodies were on fire.

He waited then thrust inside filling her to the core.

Colours exploding in her head as every muscle tensed up. She arched her back as her nails dug in his shoulders matching his rhythm.

The pleasure was coursing through their bodies and soon they reached their climax.


Somewhere in their usual designated place, another set of lover were going to come together.

Poonam reached their secret meeting place and gently placed her hand on Devburman's heavy arm who was facing the other away. He turned to face her, his eyes were bloodshot with tears.

Feeling a little brave she traced his cheeks wiping away the tears.

He suddenly grabbed her crushing her lips with his. She was stunned by the impact. Not knowing what to do she was unmoving initially then her lips started following his lead. She grabbed the back of his neck running her fingers through his hair while his tongue entwined with hers. His hands went down her body grabbing her bare waist bringing her closer. Touching his head to feet she could sense his musky scent.

And just like that, she had her first kiss.

To be continued...

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