Chapter 2 - Wedding bells

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Princess Chitrangada was carefully stretching the arrow in a bowstring. There was absolute silence as she aimed at the deer. The deer stopped for a second, it's ear moving to catch the vibrations of any movement.

"This is it" whispered Chitra and released the arrow. It shot through the air piercing the deer through the neck. It fell dead instantly.

"Wow! Your highness. This was awesome. You can hunt as good as a man" Said Poonam.

Poonam was Chitra's chief ladies in waiting and her best friend. Princess Chitrangada stood proud and smiled. She gestured at her bodyguards to collect the dead deer.

"I have been practicing" Chitrangada replied.

Chitrangada was as beautiful as Apsaras the heavenly maidens. She was taller than average women. Had an athletic built with curvaceous hips, narrow waist, and proud firm breasts.

She had amber eyes like limpid pools of gold that adorned her flawless face, long, dark hair that tumbled over her shoulders like a fountain of molten chocolate, an aquiline nose, and pink lips. People said she might be the reincarnation of Menaka the heavenly nymph. Raja Kirtiveer was indeed blessed to have such ethereal beauty as a daughter. She was destined to be the Queen since the day she was born as she was engaged to the Crown Prince Vikram. Such Fortune attracted both blessings as well as envy.

Unconcerned with these complexities Chitrangada had been pampered by her parents. As per the customs she had been trained in all martial arts and she excelled in all of them.

She especially loved horse riding and often left the palace secretly without her bodyguards to enjoy the freedom of riding.

She was reprimanded by her mother whenever caught because it was dangerous for a princess to be out all alone. But that did not deter her from her escapades.

She returned triumphally from the forest with the dead deer when she ran into her father in the courtyard. He was having a discussion with the Raj Purohit and her mother.

Hearing her voice Raja Kirtiveer turned to greet her " My darling looks happy today".

Chitra bowed to the Raj Purohit then turned towards her father.

"Yes, father I killed a huge deer today. I mean it must have been 8 feet, at least with beautiful skin. It would make an excellent rug for you" Chitra replied proudly of her accomplishments.

"Chitra you should not be going out in this harsh sun. Look at you, you have tanned, and your hair is a complete mess. A princess should not rough it out like a commoner. why don't you say something to her" Queen Kalavati said?

Kirtiveer laughed " My daughter is free to do whatever she likes as long as she is in Navsarika. She is responsible enough isn't it dear?"

Chitra grinned and nodded enthusiastically.

"You have spoilt her; she would be getting married soon what would Raj Mata say that I didn't give proper training to her daughter in law" Kalavati lamented.

"I am sure she would be won over by our daughter, who wouldn't be ?"

Kirtiveer said.

"You arrived right on time Prince Vikram is visiting later today."

Chitra beamed "What! This is awesome. I hope he brings the things which I had requested".

Vikram and Chitra had been childhood friends. As they were engaged, their families often visited each other and planned several hunting trips together.

It was Vikram who had first taught her how to string a bow and an arrow when she was 5-year-old. He always brought her exotic items like rare gems, pearls, or fabric on his visits. But what she loved best was the rare books which he brought , on her request.

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