Chapter 35 - The outing and mystery

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When Chitrangada, Poonam, and Kamakshi finally went out of the palace. They were accompanied by so many bodyguards it looked like a mini-army!

"Are you sure his highness assigned so many guards for me ?" Chitra asked Kamakshi.

"Yes, Bhabhi. He made sure that his instructions were followed, otherwise, everyone would be in trouble." Kamakshi replied.

Chitra muttered something in anger. She hated being supervised like a child. Kamakshi had accompanied them because neither Chitra nor Poonam knew their way around the city plus it was a good opportunity to get to know her sister in law.

However, the 20 bodyguards following them were not something she anticipated.

Poonam read her mind and said " No princess you can't attempt your escape plans here. It won't be appropriate."

"I am not planning anything like that," Chitra grumbled.

Ever since Shivaditya had left she was missing him like crazy, she had remained closeted in her chamber for two days until Poonam dragged her out for an outing.

Chitra had agreed to get out of the palace, just to divert her mind though it wasn't helping. Rather it added to her annoyance.

It was the first time she had left the palace grounds since her wedding. Shivaditaya had not let her leave their chambers, thanks to their insatiable love life.

Perhaps, if Shivaditya hadn't gone to the war they might have continued being confined to their room.

She blushed and focused on the city around her.

She didnt get a chance to see much earlier.

Badami was beautiful. The roads were wide and paved with cement. There were big houses on either side of the road which probably belonged to the courtiers.

When they proceeded further there were narrower lanes and houses of all shapes and sizes. She was amazed by the cleanliness even in the narrowest of streets.

Women and children moved around bowing to them and doing their daily shopping. She was distracted by the temple bells and saw a huge ornate temple on the far right.

The yellow glowing pagoda bore testimony to the fact that it was covered with gold.

She folded her hands to pay respect to the deity.

They reached a wider area which looked like the city centre. She was already impressed by their architecture now she was amazed by their town planning as well.

The city was built in circles. In the centre, stood the imperial Palace and official residences. That was surrounded by a boundary wall and a moat.

The palace wall had several gates which could be sealed during invasions.

Just outside the moat, residences of common people situated.

It was again surrounded by a second wall. Then came the commercial areas, followed by another wall. Then the external outposts and barracks.

Overall there were layers of five walls surrounding the main palace. Once sealed they turned into an impenetrable fort.

Right now they were in the third circle, the commercial centres of the City.

It was particularly crowded this time of the day. Most of the people had flocked around them to get a glimpse of the royal ladies.

"Look mother the princess is so beautiful!" One little girl gushed making Chitra smile.

"Kamakshi I want to hang around here. I hope that shouldn't be a problem?" Chitra asked while glancing at several stalls and shops.

"Not at all, bhabhi there are many nice shops here you can look around."

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