Chapter 10 - Overcoming danger

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Chitra went back to her room her heartbeats still out of control. There was no denying that she desired Shiv but she had to control herself. She couldn't afford this stupid mistake.

Although her logic and emotions were in constant conflict.

That day Shiv didn't turn up for lunch. Jayaraj informed her that he was out for some business.

She hated the fact that she missed him...the day stretched out long and empty ahead of her. She felt stupid for missing a man who was an outlaw but he was so cultured and well-read...She wondered who was he ??

Was he some nobleman who fell on hard times and was forced to resort to thievery? Perhaps he suffered injustice. Disillusioned by the system he crossed over to the other side of the law.

She passed many hours spinning fantastic tales about mysterious Shiv.

As the day dragged into the night Chitrangda tried to sleep in the big carved bed.

The last two days she had spent waiting for Shiv. Now she had started to get worried about his safety. She tossed and turned in her bed trying to lull herself into sleep until she heard a thump.

She sat up in bed and listened. There it was again. She decided to go out and investigate. She took the lamp and went towards his study. It was too dark and in the dim light she tripped over something laying on the floor.

She went sprawling and choked back a shriek. She sat up and felt cautiously behind her.

A hand grasped her wrist. Her shriek exploded echoing off the wall.

"Shhhhhh," A voice said.

The hand-pulled her down and she found herself wrapped in strong arms. Her scream stopped by warm demanding mouth.

She tried to pull away but the hand captured the back of her head and held her fast. She felt the same masculine scent. One she had smelled almost every day here.

Shiv !!

He was kissing her soundly!

New feelings flooded her senses.

She hesitated then gave in her whole self to the kiss savouring every sensation.

Suddenly the hand dropped limply away.

Chitra sat up "Shiv?? is that you ?"

A muffled voice answered, "Whom were you expecting ?"

His voice was weak and painful. She touched his hands and it felt wet and sticky.

She said "Shiv! Are you injured ??"

He just groaned.

She needed help she cried out for Jayaraj.

Jayaraj and some other servant came running. They carried him into the study and in the burning flame of the torchlight she saw his figure covered in blood.

She gasped "Shiv where are you hurt ?"

He said "Just my leg".

She saw a rough bandage tied around his thighs and a dark patch of blood which was getting larger.

She shouted at Jayaraj "Get some hot water, towels, bandages, get the maester quick!"

She was so busy being concerned about his life. She didn't realize she just got her first kiss from an outlaw !!

Shivaditya looked at her weakly. He had lost a lot of blood.

Chitrangda put his legs on the pillow and asked

"What happened Shiv ?"

He was too weak to speak, and he was getting delirious.

Jayaraj was back with the stuff and with his help, they took off his blood-soaked clothes. She had never seen a naked male body before. She was dumbstruck for a moment. She had never realized that it would be so...Beautiful!

Shiv was magnificent.

Dark rings of curly hairs covered his broad chest. It tapered down to a flat firm stomach. She turned red with embarrassment averted her eyes from looking further covering him with a sheet.

His eyes were closed and he looked like a peacefully sleeping child.

"We need a maester I can't stitch his wounds," She said to Jayaraj.

Jayaraj who was already white as sheet nodded and ran out.

Then she went to work on his wound. She opened the bandage and pressed it with cotton to stop the blood flow until the doctor arrived.

Shiv had fainted from the blood loss. She was relieved when the maester arrived. After applying the herbal paste and putting the stitches he advised ample rest for Shiv.

Chitra offered to stay up with Shiv in case he needed something. How could she leave him alone?

She covered him with more blankets and dozed off in the chair. Her sleep was broken by some noise and she woke up. Shiv was moaning. She touched his head. It was burning with fever. Maester had warned her that this could happen. She fetched some cold water and started to wipe his head and feet.

It was a difficult job. She had to force him to lie still because he was thrashing his hands.

She slapped away his hand for the 5th time.

She said "Be still Shiv. I need to wipe you"

She propped him on a pillow and forced him to drink the bitter medicine.

After a while, his fever receded. But he was mumbling in his sleep. She looked up when he called her name.

Chitra said

"What is it Shiv? Do you want something?"

He said, "please don't go Chitra.. don't leave me".

She replied, "I am not going anywhere...I am right here".

He said, "Promise me that you will never leave me".

She replied, "I promise...I will always stay with you".

Being assured he slept peacefully. Chitrangda looked at him strangely. Did he mean it or he was just rambling in fever?

She continued nursing him throughout the night by morning she was dead tired. Finally, when Shiv relaxed and dozed off peacefully she too fell asleep beside him, her head resting on the bed.

With warm sunlight filtering in Shiv opened his eyes.

His legs were burning with pain. He felt something soft next to him. Chitra was sleeping peacefully sitting on the floor with her head resting on the bed. She was holding his hand.

She had dark circles around her eyes. He smiled and looked at her.

He tried to get up but groaned with pain.

Chitrangda immediately woke up and was at his side. She asked him

"What happened Shiv? Are you ok ?"

He replied "I am ok just that it hurts"

She said "Of course it will hurt. You came back with an arrow sticking out of your leg. How did you get injured ?"

He just gave a vague answer to being in a fight. He couldn't tell her that it was an assassination attempt. It meant his position was compromised and he should leave this place.

She gave him a sip of water and then said "I will get some breakfast for you. Your bandage also needs changing."

Shiv realized that he was naked under the sheet. He looked at her questioningly.

She said, "Well your clothes were blood-soaked and your wound is still raw so it was not possible to dress you up..."

Shiv just looked dumbly at her.

Chitra smiled naughtily at him and said: "don't worry I had my eyes shut. I didn't look".

Shiv laughed "I don't mind even if you did. Did you like it?" and winked at her.

She blushed and ran away from the room.

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