Chapter 36 - Trying to resolve the mystery

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"What do you mean I can't see that woman ?"

Chitrangada said angrily glaring at everyone present in her chamber.

She was back in the palace and the first thing she wanted to do was visit that old woman in jail. Her attendant, Poonam, and Kamakshi were standing around her perplexed.

"Royal women don't visit the dungeons, Your Highness." Her attendant said.

"Why not? Why can't I visit the dungeons ?" Chitra demanded?

"It's full of the lowest of criminals and perverts. The king doesn't allow royal ladies to visit down there, it's not safe." The attendant replied.

"I need to talk to that woman. I have to know what's troubling her. I have to go." Chitra said.

Kamakshi said "Bhabhi the guards and the attendants are simply doing their duty. Father would punish them if you insist on visiting the dungeons.

Chitra looked helplessly, "then how am I supposed to meet that woman? I can't help her unless I know her grudge. I wish his highness was here."

"I will go. I will visit her and ask her whatever you want to know." Poonam said.

Chitrangada looked at her hopefully.

"But Poonam. How will you visit her? Even if you are not a royale. You will need someone to guide you. It might be dangerous. I can't allow that." Chitra said.

"Dont worry your highness I know someone who can help me," Poonan said.

"Who ?" Chitra asked.

"His Highness Prince Devburman," Poonam answered.

Chitrangda stared at Poonam unsure if she heard right.

" What did you say?"

"Prince Devburman your highness," Poonam said.

"How do you know Prince Devburman?"

"I met him in the stable when I went there to arrange horses for our outing," Poonam replied.

Chitra could feel there was more to it than just a casual meeting.

Kamakshi said " Bhabhi! This is an excellent idea. Dev bhaiya will definitely help."

"Ok. This is interesting, Kamakshi seems to be the only royalty here who likes Devburman." Chitra thought.

"Why would he help us?" Chitra asked.

She wasn't sure if he was trustworthy.

"I can try to convince him, your highness," Poonam replied.

"OK, If you want to try it, then go ahead but please be safe. One of my bodyguards will accompany you."

"Your highness, please let me do this alone. I assure you if there is any indication of trouble, I will drop it." Poonam assured her.

Chitra thought for a moment then reluctantly agreed.

Poonam and other attendants left, then Chitra turned towards Kamakshi and gestured her to sit next to her. Kamakshi happily took the seat.

"So Kamakshi, I have a few questions about this traitor business. What happened? Why is Prince Dev so....the way he is ?"

Kamakshi replied " To understand this you need to know the background of everything. My Father, his majesty is not the older son. He was the second son of the previous king, my grandfather. Uncle Shubhraj that is Devburman's father was born to a mistress. Hence he was disqualified from being the heir even though he was older. The crown passed on to our father."

Chitra was listening intently. She had read Arthshastra and other scriptures which defined the line of succession among Hindu Kings.

The oldest brother was always given the throne unless he was unfit to rule due to some circumstances. In the epic, Mahabharatrat Dhritrashtra was bypassed because he was blind hence unfit to be the king. Instead, his younger brother Pandu was crowned as the king.

This rule was made to prevent struggle and massacres among brothers to get the throne.

The rule was largely followed in all dynasties with slight variations like some preferred the heir to be from one of the legal wives, not mistresses.

There had been few instances where the younger prince got ambitious and killed his older brothers to forcibly take the throne but it was considered adharmic(sin) and condemned by the people and the priest community. Hence, such occurrences were rare.

"Uncle Shubhraj was in the council of advisors for the king and his son Dev Bhaiya was the crown prince as father was childless for several years until..." She paused.

"Until Shiv was born? " Chitra completed the sentence.

Kamakshi nodded.

"Uncle was probably hurt by my father's decision of preferring Shiv Bhaiya over Dev Bhaiya. So he conspired to start a coup. He joined with some provincial leaders of the north who were unhappy and wanted to rebel. I dont know exactly what happened. But Shiv bhaiya was sent to the north to investigate something. He returned just before your wedding and he got proofs against uncle Shubhraj. Uncle was exiled. This is why Dev Bhaiya is mistrusted by everyone. He is considered the traitor's son."

Everything fell together like pieces of the puzzle "So this is why Shiv was in the Dandak forest? This is why he hid his identity and had to return."

This explanation made sense.

Considering the history of Dev and Mrignayani, this treachery added fuel to the fire. No wonder shiv hated him.

This also meant Devburman had a motive to conspire against Shiv. What Maharaj Bhojraj did was unfair to Devburman, but it wasnt unethical. As a king, he had the right to choose his son as the crown prince.

She rubbed her forehead with her fingers. Figuring out the royal family politics was giving her a headache!

"Thanks, Kamakshi this clears up many things." Chitra smiled at her.

"Dev Bhaiya is not a traitor though, I am sure of that," Kamakshi said looking determined.

"No matter what uncle did I know Dev Bhaiya is not like him."

Chitra didnt know how to react. Kamakshi was very naive and pure-hearted. She would trust anyone.

Chitra patted her cheek and said "I am not doubting him. For now, I need to find out what happened with the old lady. Why she hates us? If Prince Devburman can help us with it. I would be obliged to him."

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