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"Tae! What are you doing here!" Cara yelled as she watched the first man start to come our way.

"We've got to get out of here!" she shouted back.

She dialed Aiden with shaky fingers before motioning to Taelyn. "Let's-ah!"

The first man had blown a punch to her stomach. Both she and Taelyn scream, and then, in seconds, she had fallen to the floor, her head hitting the ground straight-first. He puts another blow, this time to her mouth, and then her cheekbone. An overwhelming amount of dizziness and immense pain struck her, clouding her vision as she started to taste blood....


Cara heard the faint sound of a low wail and Taelyn's shout, before something heavy hit the ground, presumably the second guy. She heard the rushed taps of Tae's heels as her friend ran over to her position on the floor.

Through the little vision she had left, she caught a glimpse of Taelyn performing a messy roundhouse kick to the thug. Something clatters to the floor...Taelyn's heels. The man groaned, finally falling over...

Taelyn rushed over to her, screaming for help...but no one heard her, the miracle was over...

Cara's head swimmed and pounded, throbbing as she felt herself on the brink of being knocked out. The pain in her head keept increasing, the bloody taste in the mouth never stopping.

Had he knocked out her teeth?

No...it was her lip...

Images swirled in her head as she felt Taelyn's cool hands touching her forehead.

"Cara, Cara, are you okay?!" Her voice was faint..

The throbbing all over numbing her senses. But suddenly, her eyes flickered over to the side...

The man-he's coming-he's going to-

"T-Tae-watch out-" Cara mumbled, voice barely audible. "Watch out!" she suddenly screamed, and her voice cracked.

"Oh my God-!"

"Stop!" a deep voice thunders.

Cara turned her head up weakly, seeing a flash of golden before her head hit the floor for good, throbbing once more before everything went black.


She awoke to a consciousness, but not a pleasant one.

As her senses came to her, she noticed the headache, and the rough material under her...touch. The clammy flavor in her mouth and palms...taste. The grim scent that she recognized as medical tools...taste. The people rustling around, talking amongst themselves...sound.

Her body ached all over, and even the slightest movement increased it, so Cara didn't even try. She tried to open her eyelids, but they ached too, not wanting to budge even a bit.

"C-cara? Is she awake?" a voice came to her ears, a familiar, female one.

Her eyes flung open, being the last of her senses the bloom...sight.

Cara groaned as the pressure of them being swollen forced her eyelids to waver, half-way closed.


She heard the rushing of a pair of feet, a clanking of things, probably being knocked over, and a rushed breath before a swirl of golden appeared in front of her.

"I'll let you guys be alone," said the familiar voice.

"Be careful, mister!" another voice, this one unfamiliar, rang out in a scolding tone, and then the closing of the door.

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