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"Do we break in?" Taelyn asked candidly, crossing her legs as she sat on her bed.

They were sitting in her hotel room, discussing. It wasn't going too well, though, as they all were disagreeing. Currently, Taelyn was being reckless as usual, Cara was agreeing, and Aiden was going on about how these places have security and that they couldn't just break in.

"So if we don't break in, do you have another plan, Aiden?" Cara asked, crossing her arms childishly.

"Yes, I actually do," he rolled his eyes and opened his laptop. "Here is 28374 Avery Lane. The science lab." A picture of the building opened up in Google Maps as he spoke. "As you can see, it's dark and creepy there."

"When is any of the places we've been to not dark and creepy?" Taelyn commented.

"The point is, most laboratories don't have physical, armed guards standing outside. But considering it's a sketchy place and we're probably going at night, I wouldn't be surprised if we run into physical obstacles. That means, no breaking in because breaking in requires breaking, and that draws attention that we don't need."

"Good point," Tae grumbled. She turned to Cara. "Your thoughts?"

"Fine, we've established no breaking in. How about we try and go for stealth?" Cara leaned in, looking closer at the photo on Aiden's laptop. "The entrances are here and here," she pointed candidly. "But it would be too obvious if we went through the front door. There's also two exits in the back, one normal one and one for emergencies. Maybe we can find a way to go in through the back unnoticed?"

"That is a good idea," Aiden nodded. "But I don't know how we're going to get through the locks? Plus, we might set off the security alarm."

"Locks are easy," Taelyn butted in. "I can find something to pick them. It's the alarm that's the problem. None of us are techies, how are we going to disable that thing?"

"Sugu," said Cara. "He's a hacker, remember? Taelyn picks the lock, he disables the alarm, we go in without a problem."

"Genius shit," Tae grinned. "I'm calling him right now."

"You want me to what?" Sugu's lisp rolled, his voice agitated.

"Join us on the mission. We need you to hack a system," said Taelyn.

"I don't- fine. When do you plan on going? I didn't think you guys would come up with a plan so quick."

"Actually, we don't have a plan, just an idea for getting in. But we work better that way, therefore who cares. Don't know when we're leaving. Just clear your schedule for the next week or so?"

"Clear my schedule?" his voice was tinted with frustration. "I can't just clear my schedule, Tae, you're asking irrationally."

"Haha," she faked a laugh. "I'm irrational. You either clear your schedule and come help us or you don't. You have a choice, Sugu."

The air was pregnant with silence.

Sugu sighed. "I'm helping you. Just tell me which day so I can prepare."

"Perfect!" Tae's face lit up. "I'll let you know the date. I can't wait to see you." She turned to the others after the call disconnected. "He agreed. What day are we going?"

"I still can't believe we're trusting this guy," Aiden muttered. "We barely know him, and he's young."

"You're eighteen, Aiden," Cara deadpanned.

"And?" he defended.

"Don't you think it's not exactly your place to call him young? You're literally years younger than him," she laughed. "And as for the first point, yes, we're trusting him, because he helped rescue not only Taelyn, but also me, and you."

And it was this all over again. Them arguing, and Taelyn sitting there, slightly aggravated.

"Well," Tae coughed loudly. "If you guys are um, done bickering, this meeting is over?"

"Yes, mhm," Cara nodded quickly, grabbing Aiden's arm and swiftly dragging him out of Tae's hotel room.

"Aiden, don't be like that," she said defiantly. "What do you have against Sugu?"

Aiden kissed his teeth before turning around. "You don't understand."

"Yeah, and if that's the case, why can't you just explain to me what I don't understand? Stop closing me off."

"I don't want him to hurt us, okay? I feel like I can't trust anyone, and especially not with you."

Cara laughed loudly. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, Aiden. I'm sorry if I'm being harsh but I don't get why you can't trust me. I know how to shoot, and I know how to fight back. I think I can handle myself."

He sighed, shaking his head. "I know. I just don't want you to be hurt, and especially not after you've just healed."

"Getting hurt is a natural part of life," she said. "We can only move on and heal from it. Avoiding hurt is the worst thing you can do. Do you have faith in our mission?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then you have faith that we'll be okay. Now, come on, let's get some food."

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