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Cara and Aiden stood at the door, obviously irritated by the look on their faces.

"Is there a reason why you decided to come banging on our door at eleven at night?" Cara asked bitterly.

"Don't be a grump, Cara," said Taelyn. "Sugu called. He said to meet him, and that it's crucially important."

"Sugu?" Aiden raised an eyebrow. "That's weird."

"It could be a trap," sighed Cara.

"Yeah, I thought about that," Taelyn nodded. "So if you don't want to come, that's fine. But I'm coming, it seems like whatever this is is pretty important for him to come calling at this hour."

"Don't worry about me not coming, I'm definitely coming," Cara affirmed.


She cut him off. "Alright, we'll be out in ten minutes, okay?" She shut the door, heading towards her suitcase sitting open on the floor.

"Cara, you can't be serious. It's too early to be going out," Aiden said, walking briskly across the room to where she was sitting, fumbling through piles of clothing.

"What do you mean, too early? We're all recovered, and the sooner we get back-"

"The sooner we get back?" he repeated, an incredulous look on his face. "Cara, we were lucky to survive that whole ordeal, there is no way I'm letting you go again."

"Fine, you don't have to come," Cara snapped. "I'm done with your overprotective antics, Aiden, this is my body and my choices, and I feel I'm ready to go back again, there is nothing you can do to stop me." She got up, heading for the bathroom to change.

He sighed, walking up to her. "Cara, I-"

"Talk to the wall," she called, closing the door in his face.

Aiden groaned, rubbing his temples before sighing.

He shook his head, heading to his own suitcase.

After a few moments, the door to the bathroom opened. He felt her presence behind him and turned around.

"Aiden, I'm sorry," said Cara.

"I know," Aiden replied, turning around. "Don't beat yourself up about it."

"I should, though," she swallowed thickly. "I snapped at you for no reason, and-"

"And I forgive you," he said. "Look, I understand why you got angry. And I'm sorry too. I need to stop being so controlling of you. I just...I really do care about you and I didn't want you to bite off more than you could chew. Okay?"

"Okay," nodded Cara, her voice quiet. She cleared her throat before looking at him. "You're an angel, do you know that?"

Aiden walked around the table so that he was in front of her. He shook his head, leaning in to kiss her gently.

"None of us are perfect, especially not me," he said softly. "I just want you to be yourself. We'll make mistakes, but we won't blame each other, because no one can truly live life without screwing up. It's just part of our nature."

"Yeah, I know. It's just...I feel bad."

"It's okay," he smiled. "Come on, Tiger, Taelyn is waiting for us."


"You ready if this is a trap?" Taelyn asked as she started her car.

"I don't think Sugu would be involved in such things," Cara countered as she climbed into the back seat.

"You never know," Aiden pointed out, taking her hand and holding it in his as the Taelyn started to drive.

"True. Well, I know how to shoot, and there's a reason we brought Willow."

Willow laughed, looking back from the front seat. "Sure. So who is this Sugu?"

"He helped us escape from the headquarters when we were getting gunned down. He also helped rescue me," said Taelyn.

"Seems like a nice guy," Willow commented. "But he did come out of nowhere. I understand why Aiden thinks it's a trap."

"We're here," announced Taelyn.

"Where is this place?" Cara asked as she got out of the car, sliding her bomber jacket on.

"193602 Strips Bit Street," said Taelyn, standing beside her. "Bit odd, isn't it?"

Odd was an understatement.

In front of them was the street, but there were no cars zipping past, no street lights, no signs, no nothing. It was just a street. The pavement was old, and it wasn't wide, one could get from one side to the other in just a few steps. Despite the bright, colorful graffiti that was splattered every which way, the road seemed desolate and empty, stripped of any life or soul.

"It isn't a surprise," said Cara. "We've been to a bunch of sketchy places here."

"Where's this Sugu of yours?" Willow asked, joining them.

"He said he'd be here..." Aiden muttered, squinting at the barren surroundings.

Taelyn raised an eyebrow as she scanned the street. "Well, obviously, he's-"

"Here." A smooth yet raspy voice, one that was far too familiar by now, alerted them to a presence from behind. "I'm here," a lisp rolled through his lips as he stepped out in front of them.

"Sugu," Cara breathed out of relief. "You're here."

"I apologize for the weird timing and these obviously ugly surroundings but this is the only place in town that they don't track," Sugu explained. "And I would very much like to not be tracked."

"They?" Taelyn repeated. "Who's they?"

"Itch," he replied.

"Right. Them."

"Who's the new one?" Sugu asked, motioning to the blonde standing beside them.

"Willow Bae, my nurse and an excellent shot," explained Cara. "She agreed to come with us. Willow, this is Sugu, Sugu, this is Willow."

"Nice to meet you," he nodded at her. "Okay, follow me. It's better to talk somewhere else than here."

n/a: i actually have written the entirety of this book, i just haven't put it up yet. today i decided to mass update :)

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