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"Hylord, please! Our child, Cara-"


"I can't live anymore....this suffering, Alma, I can't."


"What does he have? What's happening, Doctor?"

"Atopic dermatitis....it's usually genetic, I don't know what's happening to your husband..."



"Agh!" Cara awoke abruptly, finding herself gasping, eyes flying open.

Cara looked around her fervently. The room was pitch-black. She looked at her surroundings, letting out a small, short breath.

Charmaine must still be out.

Cara sighed and threw the blanket off of her sweating body, moving towards her alarm clock to read the time.

9:04 PM.

Right. I was taking a nap. Was that a nightmare I had? I've only seen nightmares like these in movies. Cara shook her head, clearing the thoughts that danced in it like invasive leeches.

I've never had a nightmare like that before. And it had to do with the mission...all the stress has probably been getting to me.

Cara sighed. She still had hours before she and Aiden were supposed to sneak out of school. But she didn't feel like continuing her nap anymore.

Cara popped in a Benedryl. She was taking double today in case she didn't have time to do it tomorrow morning.

She sat there on her bed for a few minutes, then sighing.

Maybe I should call Aiden, I don't think he was taking a nap.

Cara went over to the wall to switch on the light, and then grabbed her phone and AirPods. She stopped by at her desk to swipe her glasses along the way.

After fixing her appearance, she quickly dialed Aiden's phone.


"Hi Aiden. I hope you weren't sleeping or anything."

"No." After a moment, he added, "All this is getting me restless." He ruffled his hair to the side and smiled sheepishly.

Cara grinned. "I'm actually wondering how I even slept with all this going on, as well."

"Why aren't you sleeping, anyway?"

Cara licked her chapped lips, pouting. "Is that important?"


"On what?"

"The reason."

"Fine. I had nightmares."

Aiden frowned. "Why? What happened?"

"I don't really know. I never had those kinds of nightmares before."

"What did you have it about?"

"I saw...things. Scenes. Lots of...worried voices. I saw a doctor....a woman...her husband? I don't know who. They looked like some of the characters from shows and movies I've watched, but their names were unfamiliar. The atopic dermatitis was mentioned."

"And this is new to you?"

"Yes. I've had dreams that have to do with my eczema condition, but never like this." Cara explained. "My...my father's name was there, too."

Aiden's eyes widened. "This is bad, Cara. You need to be focused."

"I know, I know. It's not entirely my fault. Besides, you wanted to know why I wasn't sleeping."

The corner of his lips folded into a half smile. "Yeah, I guess." His gaze turned serious again. "Seriously, Cara. I need you, and we can't afford to mess up. It's only a dream, Tiger. We have enough things to worry about as it is"

"Right. I won't think about it."

"Get some sleep, Tiger. I'll see you in a few hours."

"11:30 at the lobby?"

"You got it."

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