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"Aiden," Cara answered after she picked up her vibrating phone after school the next day. "What is it?"

"It's Taelyn," Aiden replied. "She's called an emergency meeting. Can you finish your work in time for four PM?"

"Why didn't she text it in the group?" asked Cara.

"I don't know, either. Tae's a weird girl. But yeah, there's a meeting at four. Can you make it?"

"I'll be there," said she, and then hung up.


Cara looked at all the papers and books sprawled messily on her desk, which was overflowing with stuff she probably didn't even need.

And don't even get me started on the homework load.

How was she supposed to finish this by four o'clock?

Cara took a side glance at her watch, reading the digital numbers: 2:57 PM.

I have an hour, Cara thought, might as well get busy.


Around fifty minutes later, Cara was working furiously on an English essay she had to turn in tomorrow when her phone pinged with the reminder.

Cara took a deep breath, the air filling her lungs blissfully as she looked at the unfinished essay and a couple of other worksheets lying messily on the desk.

Oh, well. I can do it at night, Cara thought and stood up to stretch, looking at her roommate, who was currently scrolling on her phone.

"What happened to homework?" Cara asked her as she opened her wardrobe.

"Don't really care," said Charmaine. "Besides, we have the whole night, and I'm not planning to go anywhere."

Cara was, though. She took out a lacy top and black jeans and changed.

After putting on her parka and checking the time again - 3:55 - she pulled on her boots and headed out.


"I might have found something," said Taelyn first thing as Aiden and Cara arrived together at her door.

Surprisingly, she's fully dressed in a pastel embroidered shirt similar to Cara's, and distressed mom jeans.

"You found something, or you might have?" Aiden quirked a brow, smirking.

Taelyn rolled her eyes and feigned closing the door on him. "You're annoying."

"Are we going to stand here forever or are you going to let us in?" Cara impatiently tapped her feet.

Taelyn laughs and let them in. "Follow me, I think I got a lead."

"Remind me for what again?" Cara asked, and she wasn't even entirely joking. Because of the little detour she had to make about the whole thing with Aiden, she had almost forgot about the mission.

I hate it.

"The ingredient," replied Taelyn, sitting down at her desk and opening her laptop.

"Right," Cara nodded.

"What kind of lead is it?" Aiden asked.

"I think I might know what it is and where to find and hopefully destroy it," Taelyn responded. "Look here. Apparently, scientists in Alabama started developing some kind of 'monster weapon' - or at least that's what they're calling it. I dunno what they're using it for." She points to an article on her laptop that she pulled up.

"How do you know that's the ingredient?" Cara said thoughtfully.

"That's the thing, I don't. I told you, I have a lead, but that doesn't mean it's a solid one," Taelyn confirmed.

"Okay. But we got a lead," Aiden repeated.

"We got a lead," she nods. "We just have to research this thing and exploit it in whatever way possible."

"Well, first, we need to figure out a way to get to Alabama," Aiden said, an uncharacteristic grin laced on his face.

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