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Two weeks passed. Cara found herself inviting Taelyn into her and Charmaine's dorm. (Charmaine was out again, this time with Hanna).

"Have you already packed?" the redhead asked Tae as the latter sat on the edge of her bed.

Tae nodded. "Yeah, but I have to do some touch-ups. It's colder over there at this time than I thought."

"How much should I pack?" Cara inquired, opening her wardrobe and dragging one of her suitcases to where they were sitting.

"See, that's the problem. We don't really know. Might as well pack anything and everything you can fit in those suitcases," Tae suggested. "But due to this we might have a time limit on how long we have to stay in Alabama."

"That definitely complicates things," Cara frowned, pulling out a simple blue printed t-shirt and throw it into the suitcase.

"That was why I suggested we stay here for a little longer before going," Tae agreed. She pointed to the heavy forest green sweater Cara was holding. "You should bring that, it's cold."

Cara threw the sweater in the case. "You're right, if we hadn't stayed longer, we'd be extremely rushed. This gives us more time to hopefully find some more information on where we can find the Itch Gang." She held up a similar sweater, but this one was cropped and of an ivory color instead. "Should I bring this one too?"

"Whatever you'll wear and can fit into your suitcases, bring."

There was a few minutes of empty silence, save for the music that was playing from Cara's phone on a low volume, as Cara took more clothing, folding it into her suitcase.

"I gotta change," Cara grabbed a pair of leggings, a white top, and olive cardigan. "Wait, when are we leaving?"

"Whenever you're ready."

"Tomorrow, then."

"How are you and Aiden going to sneak out?"

"Probably at night. I'll meet with him."

"Fine by me. Once you're finished changing and packing, that is," Tae smirked at the mess that was the floor.

"Laugh it up, Taelyn. It probably took you twice as long to pack."

"Now that you said it, you're probably right."


"Tiger! I didn't think I'd hear from you today."

Aiden picked up Cara's call on the first try.

"Yeah, I wasn't planning on it either. Tae came over today and we were packing. I was planning to leave here tomorrow. I need your input on how we're gonna get out of here."

"I see," Aiden returned. "If you want my two cents, I say we -"

"I want to talk to you in person," I interrupt him.

I want to see you.

"Yeah, sure. Meet me?"

"In the lobby. Five minutes."

After I hang up, I fix my cardigan and am out the door.


Two seconds after Cara arrived at the main lobby, Aiden was already talking.

"There's no way we can just sneak out undetected. It's not going to work," he was saying as she walked out into the windy courtyard.

She nodded, brushing away the hair that flew in her face with the gales of wind. "Yeah, that's not an option."

Aiden walked them to a bench under the shade of a ginormous tree a few yards away.

"Hm. Maybe we can tell the teacher we need a medication or something for an upset stomach, and forge a note from our parents. Then we can leave and run away?" Cara suggested, grimacing.

"Hm...thats a good idea, actually. I don't have any other ideas, so whatever."

"So we're going with that?"

"Yeah, But we need a plan."


"So, here's my two cents on your plan."

Aiden and Cara looked at the girl expectantly.

"Um, here's the thing. It's not really a plan. More like a rough idea."

"We were going to come up with a concrete version. Soon. Today," Cara jumped in quickly. "This is just the idea. Should've specified that."

"Right. So I trust you guys are going to figure that out?" Tae asked.

"Yes," Aiden replied. "Before tonight."

"I'll see you then, then."

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