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Aiden and Cara had constructed a brilliant plan as soon as they left Taelyn's.

Okay, it isn't brilliant, but we got a plan.

It was now around six in the evening. Cara had asked Charmaine to run to the store in the twon to grab some snacks for me. Cara didn't actually need any snacks, she had plenty, but she needed Charmaine out of the door as she finalized packing.

Just as Cara was folding a pair of grey leggings, her phone started to ring.

Cara sighed, getting up from the floor, went over to her desk.

Incoming FaceTime from aiden 😈

"Aiden! I-hello." Cara walked over to her bed, setting the phone on the edge of her bed and then grabbing her AirPods.

"Tiger? What are you doing?"

Cara hurried over back to her bed and connected her AirPods before finally sitting down on the bed and picking up her phone.

Letting out a sigh, she fixed her hair and replied, "Sorry for...this." She pointed to the floor behind her, which was currently littered with clothing and other mess. "I wasn't expecting you."

Aiden laughed, and she couldn't help but grin as well. "Sorry. I didn't know you were busy."

"I'm finishing up packing. I didn't expect this to be this hectic, I should have started packing earlier. And obviously I wasn't expecting company, because this is a thing." Cara gestured to her face and hair, which was far from presentable.

She was sitting her pajamas, wearing her thick-framed glasses which she only really wore when she was tired and couldn't focus, which was obviously now. As for her hair, it was in a really messy bun she hadn't bothered to fix earlier.

"Don't beat yourself up about it. What friend am I if I don't accept you in all your forms? Besides, I like your glasses." Aiden gave her a nonchalant smile and ran several fingers through his golden hair.

Cara felt her cheeks blush.


"Right," Cara said quickly, spotting a stray pair of socks and quickly busying herself with it.

"When are you going to be done with that?"

"I dunno, maybe fifteen minutes? Dunno, I might have to switch out some clothes. I'm also planning to take a nap before we sneak out. Why?"

"I want to talk to you."


"Anything. I'm bored. You're interesting."

"Uhh...Charmaine is coming back soon."


"My roommate."

"I see. You finish up packing, then? I can go."

"It's okay, she's not here yet. I want you to stay, Aiden."

"Is that fine?"

"Yeah, until Charmaine comes back, okay?"


It was around a minute of her folding clothes and him doing whatever he's doing before he talks again.

"How was your day? I didn't get to see you."

Cara looked up from her suitcase, thinking about the question. He grinned when their eyes met.

Aiden wasn't a playful person that much, he was definitely more thoughtful and reserved. When they talked to each other, even with Lucas, there was a lot of silence and staring more than gossiping and laughing. For someone who wouldnt've have known Aiden for a long time, the silence would have been awkward or unsettling. For Cara, she didn't mind.

"Aiden, you always miss me. It's only been a couple hours."

"I like being in your company, I guess," Aiden replied. He paused to look at her.

Cara's heart skipped a beat (again).

I may just be the flustered girl of the week. Thanks a lot, heart. Thanks.

"So, how was your day?"

"G-good, I guess. Classes were the same. I liked seeing you and Taelyn." She finally finished packing and zipped up the suitcases. "How about you?"

"I liked seeing Taelyn, too." He ruffled his hair and laughed.

Cara frowned. "Seriously?"

"Come on, Tiger, I was joking." He grinned. "I liked seeing you, too."

"Mm, right. Why don't you and Tae just get married already?"

"I told you, I don't like her." Then he added, "I do, of course. As a friend."


"You excited for the mission?"

"Yes," Cara said unconvincingly.

"Really?" Aiden raised an eyebrow.

I may just be drooling over him again.

....So how come I didn't notice he was this good-looking before?

"Of course!" the redhead responded quickly.

"You're nervous," Aiden said, his face intent as his chocolate eyes scanned her face thoughtfully.

"Well of course I am, Mr. Sherlock," Cara said, brushing off his stupid intelligence. "We're sneaking out of school."

"You're what?" A voice rang out from behind her.

Cara jumped, gasping. Her heart nearly dropped out of its socket as she snapped around, literally dropping her phone on the floor.

"Cara?" Aiden said from the other line, his voice full of confusion.

Charmaine stood in the doorway, hands full from bags.

"Charmaine, you scared me half to hell," Cara regained her heartbeat and picked her phone up from the floor.

"You're what?" she repeated, setting down the bags next to the doorway and slamming the door shut.

"Er....going to having fun. Tomorrow. At school!" Cara quickly filled in.

"Mm," she says, not really caring. "Well, I got your snacks."

"Cara, what's happening?"

"Oh! Oh, sorry. Charmaine, I was on the phone with-"

"Is that your boyfriend? I didn't know you had a boyfriend. Aiden...Trinstrell? I think? Ah, well, I don't know many from the other side." Charmaine rushed over to her bed.

Cara's cheeks burned. "He's not my...he's not my boyfriend, Charmaine, we're just friends, and we were on the phone, but you-"

"Is that your roommate? Is she home? I can leave now."

"Y-yeah. She's back. Bye, Aiden." Cara ended the call and laid down on her bed, groaning."Charmaine!"

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't know you were gonna have company."

Cara sighed.

The mission starts tomorrow, you diphead. Stop thinking about petty things like this.

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