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Cara groaned. "W-where-?"

She propped herself up, realizing she was still on the couch.

Why do I keep falling asleep? What time is it? She rolled over, squinting her eyes at the digital clock in the kitchen.

"9:44 AM", the bright numbers read.

Still relatively early. I probably fell asleep because of jet lag or something.

"Oh, you're awake," Cara recognized the silvery tone of Taelyn's voice and sat up.


"You don't get to decide which wig I get to wear, wig-wrecker Karen!" Cara let out a laugh. The TV was still running with the comedy she was watching on Netflix.

"You must be tired," Tae said, walking over. "Did you eat breakfast?"

"No, I think Aiden agreed to get breakfast delivery later," she replied, shaking her head and fixing her head. "Where is he?"

"In the basement, I think, unpacking," Tae replied. "Are you ordering food then?"

"Yeah." Cara took out her phone. "Here, what do you want?"'


Around fifteen minutes later, they were all sitting uncomfortable around Mint's kitchen able, eating. Mint had returned home and was now pestering Taelyn about her night was nad did she get any sleep.

Mint's vibe was....Energetic. Very energetic.

There was nothing wrong with it, no, but it was just that it had surprised Cara that an adult could have the energy of a kid. Most adults were constantly stressed, never smiling.

This was like a breath of fresh air.

Mint was excited about every single thing, enthusiastic at first about how our first night went, and then about the food, and now about how school was for them.

"So, when is winter break over for you guys?"

Aiden, Tae, and Cara exchanged glances, all waiting for the other to make up some kind of convincing lie.

Cara cleared her throat. "In.....a few days maybe?"

Mint raised her eyebrows. Cara could feel her friends freezing beside her.

Dammit, I screwed up. Gosh, Vaughn, you just can't make up a good lie that can accommodate everyone, can you?

There were plenty of things she excelled at, but apparently, lying, along with a bunch of other things involving oral speech, was not one of them by a long shot.

"A few days? Well then I'm just confused as to why you guys came all the way out here just for a few days."

Cara looked away, tryin not to seem like she was lying. But she already knew her cheeks were red by now.

"Erm, actually, Auntie..." Tae diverted the attention from Cara.

Bless her.

However, the mood took a 180 degree turn at Taelyn's next statement.

"We....er, we're not actually on winter break."

Wait, what?!

Cara froze, exchanging the same "what the hell" glance with Aiden as she stopped chewing the pancake in her mouth.

The tension at the table escalated even more, and Cara mentally slapped her head.

What the heck is Taelyn up to?

Mint's eyebrows raised even more as Tae acted like nothing happened, smiling sweetly. Her niece stabbed her fork into the pancake she was eating, seemingly just trying to eat her breakfast, but Cara knew her mind was probably working furiously to come up with something that was at least half plausible in their situation.

"Honey? Why don't you tell me what's going on?" Mint's sunny demeanor faded away as she frowned. "You aren't on winter break? What about Fariah?"

Tae's eyes lit up, and Cara similarly grinned.

She's got something, it's that face.

"Cara, here," Tae gestured across the table to where the redhead was sitting, biting her lip. "probably hit her head or something...haha." Tae's laugh is the fakest thing Cara had ever heard, but since they were doomed anyway, she didn't butt in. "Yeah." Tae stopped speaking, and everyone froze up again.

Tae, don't fail us!

"Honey, that still doesn't answer my ques-" Mint began, but as soon as she began, Tae interrupted her.

"Basically.....we go to school in Alabama here now."

Cara couldn't help it. Her jaw dropped as she looked, wide-eyed, over at Aiden, his eyes wide as well. They what?! She had known Tae was reckless but this-

"Yeah," Tae nodded, as if trying to reassure herself. "Here. Alabama." She grinned.

Cara recovered from her initial shock pretty quickly, to her relief. "Yeah. Sorry I forgot to tell you earlier..." She giggled nervously, and uncharacteristically as well. "Must have had some kind of brain fart or something."

"Yeah, we go to school here in Alabama now," Aiden continued, catching on."Our school back home sent their students all across the States for....international experience."

Mint nods, her smile returning. "I see. Well, I hope your head is okay." She nodded at Cara, and the latter flet her cheeks flushing. "Anyways, I'm going to Starbucks to pick Jynni up. Anyone want anything?"

"Oh, no, I'm fine," Cara smiled at her. "What about you guys?"

"Fine," Tae sais, nodding.

"Fine," Aiden repeated, also nodding.

Cara let out a sigh of relief as Mint left the house. "Tae, I mean no disrespect to you, but your aunt is not very...bright." She bit her lips, looking at the door in which Mint had just walked out of.

Aiden gaped at her, holding back a laugh as he ran his hand speedily through his hair. "So disrespectful."

Tae burst out laughing. "You know what? You're kind of right."

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