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Cara stepped out of the car along with Aiden and Willow, breathing in. Even though the evening was just around the corner and the air should've been cool and sweet, the fumes she breathed in were heavily polluted. It smelt of smoke and chemicals, and the huge dumpster to the side of the parking lot explained a lot.

The rather tall building in front of her mirrored the ugly air condition. The exterior was large and blocky, and the colors were anything but colorful. A drawling grey splattered the walls. Save for some rusty windows here and there, the place looked like an uninviting prison.

The setting sun, however, saved her from scrunching her nose in disgust. The sky looked like a painting drawn ever so carefully; mixes of apricot, cerise, mauve, and amber splashed across, the colorful hues swirling together to create a masterpiece.

"Pretty, isn't it?" Aiden remarked as they waited for the others to join them.

"Beautiful," she replied, stuffing her handgun in the holster around her waist. Her new knife, which glinted off a steady reflection of the sun, was slided inside the sheath attached to her thigh.

Once Taelyn, Sugu, and Willow joined them, Cara handed one of the daggers from the back to Taelyn, who looked relieved that she didn't have to use a gun.

"How do you think you'll perform with that gun?" she asked him, grinning.

"Hey, if everything goes well, hopefully I won't need to use it."

"Sugu," Taelyn pinched his arm as the former started to stare coldly into space. "The lab's closed, we need you to lead us to the back door."

Sugu rolled his eyes. "I'm on it, I'm on it."

They walked across the small parking lot before reaching the back of the building, which, to Cara's dismay, was as dreary as the front.

The back door wasn't hard to find. It was white, a contrast to the bleak grey, and the hinges looked quite rusty. There was a large keypad attached to the push handle.

"You're up," Aiden nodded at Sugu, who stepped in front of them and started to work on the keypad.

A few anxious minutes passed as they waited for him to hack into the system.

Sugu looked at them, panting slightly. "I have the keypad password, I just had to disable the alarm. It was hard without the main source - usually that's the alarm itself, but I think I got it to be disabled for a few minutes when we get in."

"A few minutes?" Aiden repeated. "We need more than just a few-"

"-yeah, and I'm going to break the alarm system once we get inside. I can't do it from here."

"Sounds like a plan," said Taelyn cheerfully. "Let's go."

The hinges screeched loudly, and with a cringe at the noise, they all entered the building. The door slammed rather hard behind them.

"Split up, see if there's anything," said Cara in a low voice. She took out her phone flashlight, lighting up the dim room. "Sugu, you should probably disable that alarm of yours."

Guns drawn - except for Tae, who gripped her dagger dangerously - and eyes sharp, they started to wander the room.

The interior of the building was nothing too different than the exterior; there was no color whatsoever. Long, grey tables - they counted four, five, six - were lined up from one side of the room to the other. Papers, manilla folders, pens, and other items were strewn across the surfaces. A coat-rack stood in the corner, where several white lab coats hung idly. The room seemed empty.

"I think we're okay," Cara affirmed, sliding her gun back in her holster.

"The room is empty," Willow lowered her handgun as well before turning to the mint-haired man crouched on the ground. "Sugu, did you get that alarm?"

He rose up, nodding. "It's disabled, I broke the system."

"There are plenty of floors in this lab," Aiden spoke up, pushing his golden bangs back. "I don't think we should split up, but it's going to take a while to get to all of them."

"We can go in pairs," suggested Tae. "So that's two pairs of two. Who's volunteering to go solo?"

"Me," Sugu said gruffly. "I can handle myself, don't worry."

"Who said I was worrying," she shot back snarkily. "Anyways, you'll be top floor. I'll go with Willow, we'll do the third and fourth floors. Cara, you're with Aiden, you'll finish this floor, plus the second. Is that okay?"

"Perfect," said Cara.

"Alright, everyone, let's go."


His soulless stygian eyes glinted as they scanned the monitor, which displayed a map of all of Alabama. A small red dot was set on a location, a different one - it was the first time it had moved since the insurgents had escaped. His chest roared in victory as he memorized the unfamiliar address.

The monitor fluttered black as he exited the room, heading for the main meeting room. The few soldiers that he had passed along the way all scampered, nervous sweat glistening down their foreheads at the sight of him.

He beckoned the two officers that stood guard inside the large meeting room. "Officer! Call out for an emergency meeting, all soldiers from all departments must report at once." The whimpering officers nodded quickly at him before sending out a message through the walki talkis.

Once all of his men had gathered around the long table a few long minutes later, he cleared his throat, but not because his presence wasn't already noted.

"Scorpion," his voice rumbled deep and strong throughout the entire hall.

The man in question lept to his feet, trembling. "Y-yes, sir. Is there something wrong?"

"Quite the contrary," his gold teeth flashed. "Your tracker seems to have finally worked. The rebels have moved their position."

"That's-that's great, sir! Shall I get the troops ready?"

"That shouldn't even be a question. Prepare all soldiers from every single department except for cleaning and filekeeping. Shoot to kill, show no mercy. And if you don't get the ingredient...." he leaned in, onyx orbs flashing balefully, "....you will announce it to me personally."

With that, Black Mamba turned on his heel and left the room.

Scorpion's mind was racing in a meloncholia as he panted heavily. Mamba's words were engraved in his brain, but for some reason...He found himself doubting them.

Stupid, stupid Damien. You initiated Mintel Evans' death, don't tell me you can't do this.

"You heard the boss," his words were clear, but shaking as he addressed the soldiers. "Round up all troops and prepare all weapons. Captains, follow me."

a/n: the final arc is about to begin! :)

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