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"Is this the end?" Taelyn asked, panting as they reached the end of the tunnel.

"It looks like it," replied Aiden as he felt around on the walls for any kind of crevice. "There has to be something here to get to the trapdoor...where is it?"

"Look - there!" one of the freed prisoners spoke up. She weakly pointed to a thin rope that was hanging from the low ceiling. "Should I pull it?"

"Be my guest."

The girl raised her frail arm and with some difficulty, hauled the rope down. Crumbs of dirt began to fall to the ground, and what looked to be a square piece of stone started to dislodge from the ceiling.

"Get back-!" Aiden warned.

Seconds later, the stone fully displaced, and in a flash it was on the ground with a thud!

Taelyn coughed, waving her hand as she squinted. "Alright, most critically injured will go first, okay? We'll help you up."

They began to help each other up the small opening in the ceiling, one by one.

"We better be quick," muttered Aiden, glancing at the front of the tunnel. "It looks like some real shit happened over there." He looked at Cara with soft eyes. "We're going to get you up there, okay? Tell me you're okay."

She looked almost like a sleeping baby, except her dusky brown eyes were wide open. They looked fearful, weak, mirroring her abnormal silence. Her arms were wrapped around her own torso, she was shivering even though the atmosphere was hot and stuffy.

"Oh-okay." Aiden's eyes widened as he heard her voice. Cara cleared her throat feebly. "I-I-" her eyes welled up as she brought her hand up to her mouth, covering it.

"We're going to be okay," he whispered, bringing her chin up and clashing their lips together for a gentle kiss. "It's going to be okay."

But just like that, the moment was killed as the now-familiar shot of a gun rang out, piercing both their ears and the wall next to them.

"Uh..can we kiss later? They started shooting again - and to us!" Taelyn shouted.

Sugu arrived a second later, out of breath. "How's it going?"

"Bad, but good?" she replied.

"Alright. I'll stand guard here, just get those people up to that trapdoor, okay?"

Sugu felt like his ears were on fire as he shot one bullet after another - one soldier down after another.

This is too easy, why are they letting us win so easily? he thought, furrowing his brow as he dodged yet another missed shot from one of the men. Whatever, I'm just grateful I can get out of this hell hole.

"Aiden! How many more to go? Has Cara gone?" he shouted over his shoulder.

"Cara just went, Taelyn went with her. This is the last one, excluding me," he replied as he helped the prisoner get on his shoulders and lifted them upwards. "Come on, I'll help you get up!"

Sugu nodded before putting his gun back into his holster. He reached for the top of the opening, gripping it. A second later, he was on his feet, bending down to grab Aiden's hand.

"Those are the stairs to the trapdoor. There's a rope once you get up, pulling it first, and then climb up." Aiden directed once he was on top. "The weakest go first. Hurry!"

The prisoners scrambled up the stairs, and one by one, started to climb the short distance to the trapdoor.

Aiden's eyes searched the area before locking on the one he was looking for. He rushed to her, pulling her into a delicate hug. "Are you okay?"

She coughed before offering a weak smile. "I, um...I can handle myself."

"I'm still worried, Tiger," he said. "You- you remember what happened."

"I'll be okay," Cara looked up at him with hopeful eyes. "We'll be okay."


"I think they got away," one of the soldiers remarked as he put down his gun. "Should we follow them, sir?"

"No. All remaining men, gather the injured and take them to the medical center." Scorpion's lips curled upward into a smirk. "Let the intruders go."


Cara looked around, her chocolate orbs squinting as she looked around. It was still night; the onyx sky was ablaze with twinkling stars. It seemed so peaceful, perfectly tranquil. Had they not seen the crumpled building, someone passing by would have never expected such violence to play out just below their feet.

She took a deep breath, letting the cool twilight breeze enter her lungs.

We'll be okay. I'll be okay. I have Aiden, and I have my friends. This is over.

Three loud snaps that signaled gunshots snapped her out of her daze. She turned her head, confused, towards the source of the sound.

The three dogs that they had once encountered breaking into the headquarters were now laying on the ground, whimpering in pain.

"I didn't kill them," said Sugu, bending down to inspect the creatures. "They're only injured, enough for us not to be attacked."

Cara tried to take a step forward, but her legs failed her as they nearly buckled. She stumbled back, right into warm arms.

It looked like the exhaustion had finally got to her.

"Don't," he whispered. "You're too fragile right now. Let me help you."

"Aiden," she mumbled.

"Everyone, I need you to tell me your addresses so we can get you home safely," Sugu called. "I have a car that can fit seven." He turned to Taelyn. "What about you?"

"Seven as well. We can split the number of people," she replied.

"Hey," Aiden tapped on her shoulder. "You okay? I didn't ask you earlier, but what did they do to you?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Taelyn replied. "They threatened to slit my throat if I didn't talk, but I still didn't, so Scorpion drugged me. That's how they knew you were in the facility, I couldn't control myself against the effects." She lowered her head. "I'm so sorry."

He shook his head. "Do not be sorry. You didn't have a choice. Do you have to go to the hospital after this?"

"Maybe. I don't think they broke anything. Some bruises, cuts, scratches...but I got time to recover. Cara didn't." She put a hand on his shoulder. "It's over, Aiden. We're free."

n/a: i'm uploading quite a few chapters right now, so make sure to read from chapter 56 if your notifications happened to have glitched or something! :)

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