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"Would you just let me-?" Tae demanded furiously as Sugu cringed away from her for the fifteenth time.

"I don't know why you care so much," he grumbled.

Currently, they were trekking up the stairs, which was slightly difficult when they were already fairly worn out, Taelyn was fussing over Sugu's arm, and panic levels arose every time they heard a distant gunshot ring out.

Damien was being extremely awkward, distancing himself from everyone except for Dominique. It was clear that he was still not entirely sure on his decision and that he didn't really trust any of them but his past lover.

Meanwhile, Taelyn's frustration levels were now at a peak. "Willow!" she snapped. "You're a nurse, right? Could you help Sugu with his injury?"

"Of course," the blond-haired girl let out a humorous laugh, obviously amused by their dynamic.

"You sure you're okay?" said Aiden, watching as Cara's pace quickened.

"I'm okay," she responded quickly. "It's just- you know how I feel about heights."

"That isn't it, right?" he pressed. "It's not just about heights."

She sighed, stopping. "I don't like the idea of working with Scorpion and his girlfriend."

"Damien," Aiden corrected gently. "His name is Damien."

"Who the hell cares!" said Cara. "He was Scorpion when he tortured and imprisoned so many innocent people. He was Scorpion when he ordered his soldiers to shoot us. He was Scorpion when he tortured Tae, when he nearly slit her throat and injected her with dangerous drugs!" she breathed in sharply before starting her step again. "You know damn well I don't trust him."

"I understand." He patted her shoulder. "But we need to adapt."


"Watch out!"

Before she could even react, a loud breaking noise rang out. She couldn't see anything; Aiden had tackled her to the floor, pushing them out of harm's way. A searing bullet soared right past them and exploded on the wall with a booming crash. Pain blinded her senses as glass jabbed at her clothing.

The others had moved out of reach as well, tumbling down the stairs to safety.

"Well, they found us!" Taelyn pointed out the obvious as she squinted at the shattered window.

"Let's move, watch the glass and keep low!" said Sugu, getting up from the floor.

Cara pushed Aiden off of her, holding her hand out for him to take. He grabbed on, but it was like fate wanted them to separate; another gunshot sailed through the hole in the window, past her ear and straight at him. Everything happened in a blur; one moment she was pulling him up and the other he was on the ground, blood pooling steadily from his forearm. He let out a short yelp; the pain was excruciating.

"Aiden!" she screamed, her ears pounding as she fell to her knees, grabbing his hand. "Aiden, come on, get up, Willow can tend to you once we're- dammit! They just keep coming!"

Another shot pierced the air, narrowly missing her.

Aiden pushed her hand off of his, grunting in pain. "Don't worry about me, you'll never make it! Get to the top floor!"

"Damn you, Aiden! I can't leave-"

"Just go!" he shouted, pushing her with his good arm.

She stumbled back. Tears streamed down her dirty face, staining it further as she shook her head violently. "No, no!"

"They're going to get you if you keep stalling! It's you they want, not me."

"Then I'll die!" she yelled. "I'm not going to let you bleed to death when I could've been the one to die!"

"Stop," Aiden whispered, eyes locking with hers. "Stop saying that. Don't ever put your life in danger. I can take care of myself, you need to take care of yourself."

"I love you," Cara sobbed, her throat screaming as she watched a deep crimson soak his clothes.

"I love you too," he pressed his lips to her hand. "Go."

She had no other choice; troopers streamed in from the window, blocking her vision of him. She ran up the steps with an inhuman speed, wails ripping from her vocal chords as she tried to breathe regularly.

"Cara," Taelyn rushed to her side once she reached the fifth floor. "Come on, the others are in this room. What held you up? Where's Aiden?"

Cara's breath caught hastily as she tried to wipe away her everflowing tears. "Aiden...I left him. He got shot, and he told me to go..." She was crying again, she couldn't stop. ".....but I shouldn't have left! I should've stayed!"

"There was nothing you could have done," Tae rubbed her back. "He told you to leave, it's not your fault. We..we have to get to the room, they're going to find us here."


Aiden's good arm immediately flew up. "I'm surrendering."

"We don't take surrenders," one of the soldiers said, gun still cocked and pointed in his direction. "We have orders to kill every single one of you."

"I can tell you where they are," he insisted, gritting his teeth as the agonic pain continued to surge through his arm. "I can give you the location of the ingredient."

This was a blatant lie. He had no idea where the ingredient was; they had not found it before the place was attacked. He thought back to what Sugu had said about the men: "They don't really have intellect or a brain of their own. Very few of them have a special skill other than shooting a gun or slitting a throat."

"How do we know you're not lying?" the soldier shoved his injured arm harshly.

Aiden almost screamed out. The throbbing in his forearm made his gut wrench. "I..." he grinded his teeth together, swallowing the urge to yell, "I....never liked my friends, they were so snobby and never let me do anything...." he coughed, "...I'd much rather work with you all."

"You!" the man commanded, gesturing to one of the other soldiers. "Take him to the transport and strip him of all his items."

Aiden was shoved down the stairs, a gun held to his head as they went down to presumably where the transport was. He sighed, trying to figure out a plan, but his mind was wandering...

I hope she's okay.


Cara was not okay, not in the slightest. Her chest ached, it was physical pain, and she couldn't bear it. Aiden was getting cornered by men from Itch and it was her fault. She should have stayed, pushed him to go with her, but no, she ran. Like a coward.

"You all gotz a plan yet?" said Dominique, breaking the silence.

Cara jumped. In the time she had been hurting, she had completely forgotten that Dominique and Scor- Damien were present.

"Working on it," Sugu muttered, ignoring the dull ache that radiated from his upper arm. "It would be nice if you actually helped?"

Dominique strolled over to where he was sitting with Taelyn. "You wantz my help?"


"I zzay we shoot zizz window and jump out."

"What?" Taelyn and Sugu gasped harmonically. "We'd die!" he exclaimed.

"Better than our situation currently," said Dominique haughtily.

Tae sighed.

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