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"Whatever thing this Itch Gang is making, is making the victim have eczema. A really bad case of it," Taelyn said.

"Correct," said Aiden.

"But it's not fatal. Yet," she continued.

"It isn't?" I repeated. "Then how did your father -?"

"He died of suicide," Taelyn said, her voice faltering. "Not because of the condition."

Cara felt a pang for her. A genuine one. Taelyn lost her father, and not because of anything he couldn't have controlled.

"I'm glad he's at peace, now. I'm glad he ended the suffering," said Taelyn, as if reading her thoughts. She forced a smile, even though Cara could see that her eyes had welled up.

Aiden nodded at Taelyn, giving her a reassuring smile.

Cara swallowed.

"It's okay, Taelyn," she said. "What I want to know is why the disease that was inflicted upon your father and the rest of the victims was not fatal. The gang could have easily just made it so that the victim died. Why didn't they?"

"That's what I'm wondering. It's weird that someone would plot revenge on the world, and then not make them die," Aiden spoke up.

"I think I know why," said Taelyn.


"I think that maybe whatever - whatever thing drugs the victim isn't completely finished yet. Maybe they need one thing, and it's not easily found?"

"That's a good idea, actually! What if they just, I dunno, tried to test the unfinished drug and it didn't work? And maybe they didn't figure out what would make it work, so all the victims are left suffering and not dead? Taelyn, you're a genius," Cara jumped up in excitement, the tension in the room dissipating.

"Thank you," Taelyn smiled.

"So how can we stop this thing from killing everyone?" said Aiden, snorting.

"Find out whatever ingredient they're missing," Cara began, "and then destroy it."

"It won't be easy," Aiden said, pretty much shattering her optimistic mood.

Taelyn was probably thinking the same thing as Cara, because she gave Aiden a dirty look. "Yeah, but we can at least try, Mr. Pessimistic."

"Don't worry, Taelyn, Aiden's just a living, walking, party pooper," said Cara, laughing.


Soon, they were all laughing together.

It feels good to be hopeful again.

"I'll see you guys on Friday, then?" said Taelyn.

"Yeah," replied Cara. "Every Friday. Same time and place."

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