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"I'm getting out of this bed, now," Cara demanded.

"Nothing's preventing you, love," said Willow. "Be my guest."

The former took a deep breath before standing on two feet and walking towards the door, slowly but steadily. She grinned to herself as she turned the doorknob, her heart pounding almost out of her chest as two figures appeared in front of her.

In a flash, Cara was thrown into a strong embrace, her feet lifting off of the ground as she laughed.

"Aiden, you jerk," she slapped his chest. It did nothing, of course.

"I guess that's our sign she's recovering," came Taelyn's snarky voice.

"Oh, shut up."

Aiden lowered her back to the ground, grinning. "Sorry. I just missed you."

"So did I, but that was too much," Cara replied, rolling her eyes. She turned to Taelyn. "How are you guys?"

"You're so weird," said Taelyn, shaking her head. "Why would you ask how we are?"


"Well, we care about you," she countered. "So, first. How have you been?"

"Good, but these walls have been driving me insane. There's only so much white a human can take," Cara groaned. "And this ugly-ass gown! Why couldn't they have dressed me in something a little more fashionable?"

"Yada yada yada. Lucky for you, we're going home tomorrow," said Aiden. "Well, not really home, but-"

"Not really home? What do you mean?"

"We'll explain, um..." He glanced at Willow. "Could you-?"

Willow nodded. "Yeah, I can go." She left, shutting the door behind her.

"Taelyn's aunt and Jynni aren't safe at the house, because I spilled the location, back at the headquarters, when they were interrogating me," explained Taelyn. "We told them to move to a hotel, which they have done. So we can't stay at the house."

"Oh," said Cara. "So where do we go now?"


"Got it."

"This is where I leave," said Taelyn. "You know, so you guys can, um...do your thang."

"Tae! What's that supposed to-"


The door slammed shut.

"Don't think of kissing me, I look disgusting," Cara remarked before backing away.

"Don't say that about yourself," Aiden countered. "I don't care how you look."

"Um, yes you do. I have chapped lips and my breath probably smells horrible."

"Help yourself," he threw a box of mints at her.

"Wow, you were serious," she muttered as she popped one of the bitter confections in her mouth.

"When am I not?" Aiden walked over to the window, pulling back the curtains.

The spring blossoms had fully bloomed. They were a fresh splash of upbeat color splattered onto the dull brown branches. A raw start, unsteady, uncertain, but optimistic.

He sighed in adoration as his eyes darted from the trees to the bright green grass, to the ash gray pavement, to the white and rosé flowers that had fluttered to the ground.

"Wow, I wish I had someone who looked at me like you look at the outside," Cara deadpanned, muttering to herself as she chewed on the mint before spitting it out.

Aiden rolled his eyes before returning his attention to her. "You already have someone."

"Yeah? Who?" she stepped closer to him, smirking.


His heartbeat increased by the minute as his eyes locked with hers, their gazes matched and forever unbinding. His hand gripped her waist, closing the space between them.

Slowly, and gently, he secured their lips together, relaxing as his eyes fluttered shut. She gripped his shirt, an attempt to pull them even closer. Her small sighs did nothing but further his exhilaration, the feeling like a blissful euphoria. It was almost like there were fairies prancing all around them, enchanting the moment with precious charms.

The kiss deepened, and he felt his back collide with the wall behind him.

It was that feeling again. The one where they couldn't think of anything else, only themselves and each other. The movements that their lips harbored were no longer soft and innocent, but fast and heated, almost sloppy.

"Aiden," Cara sighed as she pulled away suddenly.

Her mouth was slightly opened as she breathed heavily. Her eyes found his, widening.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, letting go of her waist. "Are you uncomfortable?"

"No, no," she shook her head. "I liked that. I'm just...I don't know if you've.....moved on? From Bree."

Aiden sighed. "I'm not...I'm not trying to rush. What happened to her is something I would never want to happen to you. That's why I was sorry. I wanted to distance myself from you because if my stepmother found out what was happening she would kill you too. I thought it was a mistake that I kissed you, that that wasn't because I wasn't over Bree, it was because I didn't want you to get hurt."

"I'm sorry," Cara bit her lip. "For being so insensitive about that. I feel strongly about you, Aiden, and I got reckless."

"It's not your fault," he said. "I should have told you a lot earlier. I kept it to myself, and that was my fault."

She put a hand on his shoulder. "You're strong, Aiden. I can't believe you held this pain within yourself for so long." She took a deep breath. "But I want to let you know that I'm strong, too. I don't care. If you want to be with me, I don't care about your stepmother, and I don't care about what might happen to me. I'll be with you no matter what happens. You're never alone. You have me, and you have Tae."

"I-" Aiden gulped. "You're so..." He wrapped his arms around her, letting out a sigh. "Thank you."

"Babe, I can't breathe."

"Sorry." He released her, grinning.

"Do you think we can start new?" Cara asked, her beautiful brown eyes piercing into his.

"Yes," he said without a thought. "I want to start new. With you."

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