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Sugu gulped as he fiddled his clammy fingers, playing with the rings that he wore. The kids had left in alone in the small space, waiting for him to do his part of the plan.

He was nervous, and not because of what they were asking him to do, it was the fear of betrayal once those poor kids found out who he truly was. Well, who he was before. And what he had done.

Sugu's life wasn't what you would call nice. Or even decent. Frankly, it was quite the opposite. He lived all his life in complete and utter misery, slumped in depression, high off drugs, addicted to alcohol...He wasn't proud of it.

But now, he was twenty-three. Almost twenty-four. His life wasn't going to miraculously turn back around. But Sugu, he was going to try. Try to make himself brand new.

His hand made its way to the holster strapped firmly on his waist.

Gun, check.

Dagger, check.

He took the blade of the dagger out, carefully examining his appearance in the reflection, where he saw the stripes of mud that he had swashed over his cheeks and around his eyes.

Disguise, check.

Grenade, check.

Courage....working on it.

Sugu gulped, taking a deep breath before stepping through the opening. No one was paying attention to him, at least not yet. His figure was too small and unnoticeable against the huge walls of the underground dungeon.

The place reeked of dirt, sweat, blood....old memories. He could hear moans and crying from each of the cells that were lined up one by one, the cages barred with rusted metal that extended deep into the mud on the ground. There were Mamba's men in some of the prisoner cells, either torturing or interrogating, or both.

Sugu quickly made his way around, ducking under a small box that stood near him, eyes scanning over the premises. He counted around fourteen men in total, including the guards standing outside every cell or so.

Slowly, he got up from behind the box and cleared his throat before cupping his hands around his mouth, preparing to shout.

"EMERGENCY MEETING! EVERYONE, THERE IS AN EMERGENCY MEETING IN THE MAIN MEETING ROOM! Mam-the boss wants us all there, emergency meeting!" Sugu grinned as every single man in the dungeon turned towards him as his voice echoed off of the grimy walls.

"Excuse me," one of the men walked up to him, shoving his chest, causing him to fall back slightly. "I do not recognize you."

"I don't recognize you, either," Sugu looked up into the man's eyes, hoping there wasn't any flash of nervousness in his determined orbs.

"Scorpion," said the man. "Drugs specialist. And who are you?"

"Just arrived a day ago. You could check with the officers, but I heard that the intruders got in and got them injured. You had better get to the meeting, they're discussing tactics to capture the intruders, sir."

"Where is your badge, soldier?"

"Lost it, sir," Sugu replied, gulping. "I was running down here to tell you guys and it fell off of my plate."

Scorpion towered over him, scanning his face. It felt like he was being scrutinized and analyzed, which did not help Sugu's case. There were a few moments of silence as this went on. Even the torturing and interrogation stopped, and only the sounds of faint panting from prisoners could be heard in the room.

"Wouldn't the boss have sent out something if we had a meeting?" another soldier piped up from one of the cells.

"There was no time, sir. I suggest we get to the meeting, and fast."

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