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Taelyn's apartment was in the run-down part of town, but for a building in the run-down part of town, it didn't look that shabby. The paint job was peeling, but other than that, it looks well built.

But since when have I become a reputable building inspector?

Aiden and Cara approached the front door of her building.

"After you," he said, opening the door.

Cara gave him a piercing gaze as she walked through the threshold and waited for him to join her.

Yes, she was aware that she was being a total jerk.

"Which floor is she on?" she said, trying to sound nonchalant.

Unfortunately, Cara Vaughn was as good as sounding nonchalant as she was with sounding casual. Which wasn't very good, to her luck.

Aiden raised an eyebrow, but if he was going to comment, he had decided not to. "Floor six."

"Let's get going, then," Cara said, and then pressed a button on the elevator.

Two minutes later, they were standing on 603 of floor six, waiting for Taelyn to come to the door. If she had not lied about her address, anyway.

Fortunately, that thought was proven wrong as the same girl with ebony-black, cascading long hair and green eyes they had met yesterday answers the door.

Aiden's mouth fell open a little. He and Cara had both changed out of their school uniforms into respectable outfits, but apparently in this building it was normal to answer the door in a bathrobe and not much else.

"T-Taelyn," Aiden said, swallowing. "Hello."

"Hey, Aiden," Taelyn said with a grin. She turned to the red-haired girl. "Hi, Cara."

Cara smiled back at her, questioning her own genuineness. "Hi."

"Come in," said Taelyn, and moved aside so that they could enter her place.

Again, for a run-down part of town, the apartment wasn't that bad-looking.

Taelyn didn't have much furniture, and it was pretty clean. But that was probably because she didn't have many belongings in the first place.

"You look nice," Aiden said. Cara turned around, thinking he had meant her.

Oh right. Taelyn exists. Cara turned back around.

"Thank you," said Taelyn.

"So how long have you been at Hannan?" Aiden asked.

"I'm a sophomore there," Taelyn replied. "Why?"

"My brother went there," said Aiden. "He graduated three years ago."

"That's cool," Taelyn said.

Cara coughed, trying to get the conversation back to what was actually important. "Ahem. So...news."

Aiden nodded, seemingly remembering that Cara was there. "News."

"Yes, news. We need news, or else we'll never be able to stop the kidnappings and...murders." Cara looked at Taelyn.

"Before we talk news," Taelyn began, "gimme a hot minute. I'm changing. You guys can grab something to eat from the pantry." She motioned to the kitchen, and then turned the corner to what Cara assumed was her bedroom.

"Cara, please tell me what's up with you," Aiden said as she walked past him to the pantry Taelyn had pointed to.

"I told you," Cara replied, grinding her teeth, "there's nothing wrong." She took a bag of Skittles and ripped it open.

"I'm not dumb, you know," Aiden persisted.

Oh, right. I forgot. Aiden is not only way too smart for his own good, he also has the determination of a lion. Lovely.

"I think you are," Cara said pettily, popping a Skittle into her mouth.

"It has something to do with Lyn," Aiden said.

"Oh, so now you guys have nicknames? I wonder what she calls you. Ay-Ay?" The words poured out of her mouth so quickly and she immediately regretted it.

Cara sighed and put the bag of candy down.. "I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me lately."

"First of all, we don't have nicknames, Cara, but even if we did, what's the issue? I call you Tiger all the time."

Cara sighed again. "I know."

"You think I like her."

"I think you do."

Before Aiden could say anything, Taelyn re-entered the room, now fully dressed in a black crop top and cargo pants of the same color. She seemed to be into grunge.

Taelyn sat on one of the kitchen chairs, looking at them expectantly.


"Yeah. Business," Cara returned.

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