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"You guys made it. I was worried for a hot minute," Taelyn said as they worked quickly, lifting the suitcases into the trunk and other things on the back seat.

"Barely," Aiden told her, placing one of his bags in the back. "We could tell Handi didn't buy our excuse, but she was probably just tired as crap and didn't really care."

Taelyn laughed. "Strap yourselves in."

Aiden and Cara got into the middle seats - Taelyn's cat was an eight-seat minivan from her mother - and put on their seatbelts.

Cara released a breath and wiped the cold sweat that had formed on her forehead despite the coldness outside. Aiden looked over at her as Taelyn pulled out of the parking lot.

Cara slid her sweatshirt off as the car heating kicked in, and gave him a reassuring smile.

"So how'd sneaking out go for you?" Aiden asked Tae.

"It was okay. Colleges usually have less security for students. Some students stay in their houses if they live around Hannan, so there's no reason I couldn't just say I was visiting family as well," Taelyn explained as she turned the corner to a gas station. She looked at them through the rear-view mirror. "I'm going to get some gas. You guys can get snacks, drinks, stuff."

They all got out of the car, Aiden and Cara heading for the snack shop at the gas station.

"Do you have money?" Aiden asked her as they entered the gas station store.

Cara nodded and took out her wallet from one of the bags she had packed.

After they got their food and Taelyn was done filling up the car, they got back in. Tae set up the GPS.

"How long?" Cara asked, taking off her coat again and hanging it on the head of the seat.

"Eight and a half hours," she replied, a hint of weariness laced in her words. "We'll be there by ten. You guys should get some sleep."

"Speaking of getting there," Aiden spoke up, "where are we going to stay?"

"One of my stepmother's cousins lives there, and I know the address. Unless they moved, we'll have a place to stay for free."

"That's great," Cara breathed a sigh of relief. "I was worried we'd have to stay at a hotel." She paused.. "Are you sure you're not going to be tired, Taelyn?"

"I will be," Tae replied, "but I'd rather be tired and feel accomplished than do nothing and feel lazy."


See what I mean about hardworking?

Soon, the car was silent, the only sounds being the crinkling of a snack bag, or a quick remark from the one of us, or the sounds from the highway.

Cara found herself yawning.

Aiden looked over at her. "Tired?"

"Mm." Cara took her coat and made a makeshift pillow with it on the side of the car door next to her.

"Sleep. We'll all need it."

Cara curled herself into a ball on the side of the seat, for once glad she wasn't tall. She didn't have chance to tell them this, though, because a moment later, she found herself asleep.

a/n: part 2 is over :)

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