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The room was dark, and painted with an ominous air of uncertainty. Decorated on the walls were portentous paintings, splattered with pitiful characters who were all being scourged in some way. Terror reflected in their eyes as they squirmed for mercy.

"Where are they? You did nothing!" the voice roared; the most powerful in the jungle was shaken, with the other animals cowering in fear and consternation.

"S-sir, it's only been a week...I guarantee you that they'll go soon!" the gaunt man known as Scorpion trembled underneath the air-gasping grip that clutched at his neck.

The room fell silent. Agitation filled the space in the meantime as the guards inside watched the man's pitiful pleas.

"If they don't leave within the next week, you will not be in such a merciful position as you are now. When you find the insurgents, you and your men should not hesitate to shoot for kill. I want all of them dead and the ingredient to me. Don't fail me."

Through a pair of, hollow black eyes, a glare cold as ice pierced through Scorpion's head, sending a shiver down his spine. And with that, the grasp on him slackened.

"Guards. See to it that this piece of pitiable scum gets out of my chambers."

Black Mamba walked out of the room, leaving Scorpion gasping for air on the muddy, miserable earth.


"I'll prove it to him," he growled, balling his fists up as he watched the men pile into the room. "I'll prove it."

"Scorpion, sir, what did you call us here for? And what happened to you?" a soldier called out as the last of the group settled.

"What happened to me is none of your business, inferior. Soldiers. I need you to raid the Gwynn Street Hotel," said Scorpion, his voice sharp and demanding. "Full speed, no mercy. Take two groups, one to storm the building front-first, and one to attack two specific rooms."

"Doable, sir, but which rooms are you talking about?" asked a man sitting in the back.

"An associate from the other side has provided the room numbers, 417 and 418. You are to attack both, but do not critically harm the one in 418. Got it?"

"Understood.," the voices said in unison.


"Brother!" a female voice full of worry filled his ears as he trudged, almost lifelessly, through the corridors to his chambers. "What happened to you?"

"I'm fine, Scarlet," Scorpion muttered as he pushed her out of the way. "Just let me get to the chambers, the guards will call for a maid."

"Fine, if you're going to be an ass," Scarlet snapped, storming off to her own chambers. "See how you'll recover!"

He sighed, taking out his phone and dialing a number. "Minnie."

"Damien. Itzz been a while." The voice on the other end was thick, raspy, and extremely deep for a female. The woman's English was slurred due to a French accent, but somehow it sounded dominant and commanding.

"I need your help, Min."

"I can't just help you, Damien. Or is it Scorpion now?" the woman scoffed.

"It is," said Scorpion. "I just....I thought you would remember what we had together."

"I do remember. You think I just forgot all those years ve loved? Ve promised each other that ve vould become successful together, forever. But you," she laughed bitterly. "You went off to vork for a big crime organization at the first chance. Took up drugs and abandoned me."

"I'm not like that anymore, Dominique," he whispered. "I'm clean now, and I did it for you."

"Should haff done it for yourself," said Dominique. "Do you hear me? I am not going to help you and your band of criminals and risk both my life and my morals just because you and I have a hizztory."

He sighed. "The boss beat me up, it's the tenth person he's done that do this week."

"Not doing so well there now, are you?" she laughed. "I told you that this vasn't the right path....but you didn't take that very vell, all those years ago." She paused. "Do you regret it?"

Scorpion gulped. "I...I can't say."

"Yes, you can!" Dominique exclaimed. "You're so brainwashed by that monster that you're scared to even admit it to yourself. Do you see how this is affecting you? You've tortured so many prisoners, drugged them, drugged yourself, deep down, do you know vhat you've done? The pain you've lashed within?"

"I don't want to talk about this."

"Of course you don't. You vere always a coward."

He took a deep breath before wincing. "I just want to talk to you, clean myself up. Can you come? I promise, I won't do anything, just..."

There was a long, pregnant silence before she sighed, the exhale unsmooth. "How much security izz there?"

"They have dogs guarding the trapdoor but that should be easy for you. Once you get down go through the passage on the left, follow that through and I'll be waiting for you."

Rustling came from the other side, along with a faint clicking sound before Dominique spoke again. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

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