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"Your birthday is coming up," Taelyn commented as Aiden sat tentatively on the edge of Cara's unoccupied bed.

"I know," he replied.

It was nearing the 20th of April. The time had flown as the mission was skidded to a halt because of Cara's injuries. The weather was getting warmer, and spring had started. The delicate flowers blossomed as the sun painted the sky with warm hues. The grass was greener than ever, flourishing as a relaxing new fragrance kissed the air. Birds were back, chirping as the new-born environment bloomed.

Aiden looked like someone who would like winter, but on the contrary, spring was his favorite season. He loved the warm, floral air. He felt like he could be reborn with the new season, erased of all his past.

"Are you planning anything for your birthday?" she asked.

"No," he replied. "Is there anything to plan?"

"Not even a cake, or-" He shook his head. "Oh. That's unfortunate. Anyway, Cara's discharge date is in a week."

"That's on my birthday?"

"No...i's my Great Aunt Lorolei's festa," Tae replied sarcastically.

"Do you want to plan something for her?" he asked. "Is that why you told me?"

"Something like that."

"So why couldn't you just say that?" Aiden quirked a brow.

"Shut up, Aiden. I'm not like you, saying everything I mean without thinking things over," she said, huffing. "Anyways. We're going to do something for when Cara gets back, and it can double as your birthday party! Great!"

"My what?" he groaned.

"Shut up."


"Alright, and here's your GHB, recommended by the doctors and approved by your current parent guardian, Mintel Evans..." Willow smiled at Cara, handing her a small, white bottle filled with pills. "Remember, only one a day, at night."

"Remind me why I need these again?"

"The incident created seriously trauma in your head, Cara," Willow said, frowning. "It was hard for you to sleep, was it not?"

Cara remembered the sleepless nights she had endured throughout the past weeks. She had put it off as just restlessness.

I guess it was more than that...

"It is up to you whether you want to take these," Willow told her. "The doctor told me that it is recommended but not mandatory for your recovery."

The redhead nodded. "Thank you."

"Remember when I suggested you learn how to aim?"


"After you've been discharged, could you visit my apartment? We can do your lessons there, if that's okay with you?"

Cara nodded.

"Now, you don't have to do it if you don't want to," Willow firmed. "So I'm giving you now to tell me no if that is the case."

"No. I want to do it."

"I'll be waiting," Willow grinned.


A week passed as slowly as it could have passed, both for Aiden and Taelyn at Mint's house, and Cara at the hospital.

Aiden and Taelyn had drawn a somewhat concrete plan for their actions after Cara came back. They were missing only one thing - more evidence that what Ollivon had said about the Itch Gang was true.

Cara, on the other hand, was unproductive, of course. She cheered herself up by talking to Willow, whom she had taking a slight fond to over the days.

Taelyn had agreed to go to the hospital to pick up Cara and take her back. "Hey, you're the birthday boy, I'll do it," she had said.

Aiden was sitting in the living room, tapping his feet on the ground, waiting.

The hospital was only a fifteen minute drive to and back, but it felt like an hour.

Finally, the wait was over as he listened to the creak of the mudroom door open. He jumped up, a grin lighting up his face as he rushed over to the kitchen.

"Someone's excited to see me," a snarky voice remarked, and Aiden rolled his eyes.

"I am excited to see you, Tiger," he countered, taking in her appearance. "Feeling all better?"

Cara adjusted the ugly hospital gown, scowling at it. "Very. But this ugly gown, ugh." She shook her head, disgusted, before walking to the mirror in the mudroom, taking in her own appearance.

"Gee, I feel like a third wheel," Taelyn commented.

"Shut up," Aiden repeated her words from earlier. "We're not even together, so that's not a valid saying."

"Okay, mister smartass," she stuck her tongue out. "But you definitely like her, I can feel it in the air," she said in a sing-songy voice before dramatically waving her arms about.

"I don't like her. Gosh, you're impossible." Aiden bit his lip, sighing as his cheeks became warm.

"Well, that's obviously a lie, but just as a little tip, maybe don't act so defensive next time, especially around her. That is, if you want to keep it a secret, because it's pretty obvious right now," Taelyn ignored him.

"Taelyn..." he grumbled. "I don't-"

"Anyways," she slid out of the conversation, a smirk on her face. "I'm getting a cake for you later today. You better thank me."

"I thought this was for Cara's hospital discharge, not my birthday?"

"Why are you so adamant that you don't get anything on your birthday?"

"It's a burden on others."

"No, it's no-"

"Um...guys?" Cara appeared again, raising her brow between the two. "Are you done? I'm trying to get to my room. You know, to get out of this crappy thing, and also to shower. You're blocking the damn door."

"Oh, sorry. Taelyn's being difficult."

"You're the difficult one," Taelyn called, whistling as she left.

"Why were you bickering again?" Cara asked.

"She insisted to get me a cake, but I don't want her to get me a cake."

"Why not? It's your birthday," she frowned.

"It burdens her."

"Aiden, you're not a burden to anyone," she put a hand on his shoulder. "Okay? I don't know where you got that from.."

He sighed, taking her hand and pushing it off of his shoulder. "It's...nevermind. You should get yourself freshened up..." He stepped aside to make room for her to go inside the house.

Weird. Why won't he tell me what's bothering him? Cara thought, frowning as she stepped into the house. Something is obviously bothering him. He won't even hug me, or anything....

a/n: i apologize for my absence :(

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