Oreos and AI's

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No ones POV

Harley and Peter spent the week getting to know each other and hanging out. Wade was supposed to get back late on Sunday night to meet Peter on patrol. Aunt May has been really bad but Peter just blames it on Flash's bullying, which also has gotten worse. 

Peter's POV

It was Sunday and i spent the whole day with Harley. We went to Central Park and planned to start making a AI. But I explained I already had one called Karen, so its just for fun. Harleys phone started ringing,  "hey i gotta take this" he said, and walked out of ear shot. I nodded and took out my phone to text Wade.


Hey                                                                                                                                                                                              Are u still gd to meet for patrol


 yeP                                                                                                                                                                                               I'll bring Oreos!! 


Yay!!!                                                                                                                                                                                         This is y i love u




Awww i love u🥰 


🙄                                                                                                                                                                                             Ilyt♥️ 


I gtg Harleys coming back                                                                                                                                              Ttyl🥰



"Hey Pete, i got to go home. Cya tomorrow"  

"Okay cya tomorrow" i waved and he gave me a smile which made me blush. I decided I would go straight on patrol because i really didn't want to deal with May right now. I ducked into an ally way and changed into my suit. 

After swinging around NY for an hour i checked my phone to see it was nearly 6pm. So i swung over to the building i always meet Wade on. When i arrived i saw Wade in his Deadpool suit trying to open a Oreo box. "Hey, need help with that?" I said, holding out my hand to take the box. Wade huffed handing me the box, I opened it with ease and handed it back. "I totally loosened it for you!" 

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