Taking It Slow

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*Hello people who are also addicted to Marvel, just wanted to say I love u guys and thank you so much for 24K!! Have a beautiful day! (TW that is covered over a lot of this chapter: Homophobia) *

No Ones POV

The next morning Alice woke up in Peters bed. She walks into the kitchen/living room to see the three boys all crashed onto the couch. They all looked very uncomfortable, limbs in odd angles, heads on each other's. She smiled, "Hey, boys, wake up. You have to go to school soon, don't want to be late! Plus, we have to drop Sofia off at hospital."

Peter was the first to wake up, Alice noticed that Peter flinched a little as she woke him but ignored it as he started to get up.

"Morning." He sleepily got out of the pile.

Peter walked past Alice, patting her shoulder, "I'll make breakfast.."

Alice scoffed, "No you won't. You need to take it slow."

"That's what she said." Peter laughed under his breath.

Alice smirked, "I can conform that's what she said."

Peter cracked a disgusted smile, "Eww I don't want to hear about you and your wife's sex life!"

They both laughed and walked over to the cupboards, taking out bowls and cereal. As Alice put out the spoons and glasses down, she went to wake up Sofia while Peter tried to wake up the boys. "Oi, Wade, Harley, wake up! We have to leave early to bring Sofia to hospital." He whisper-yelled.

Both boys shot up, "Is she ok?", "Is she hurt?" they both said urgently. Peter smiled at the two, walking back to the table, "She's fine, we just need to bring her for kemo again, but I need to register Alice as someone I can leave Sofia under care with, so we can go to school while Alice stays with Sofia."

Harley helps Wade up, rubbing his eyes, "M'kay." Wade just looked to asleep to say anything. They collapsed down into chairs, rubbing their sore necks, and munching on cereal. Alice came back in with Sofia fully dressed.

-time skip to when they leave brought to you by this sign up place to be part of my demon army!-

Everyone was sat on the subway, Wade had Sofia on his lap, whispering a evil mastermind plan behind their hands. Alice was writing stuff in a old, leather back note book, Harley and Peter were discussing the Drray and Wolfstar fanfics they had read in the past. "What do you think about Luna and Ginny being together?" Peter asked.

"That they belong together." Harley crossed his arms, defensively.

Peter laughed, "I agree with you, chill out."


They reached the hospital and cat-walked into the reception. Peter took Sofia hand out of Wades and walked up with her and Alice to the receptionist. Wade and Harley sat down by the kids' part of the waiting area, where they sat down and played with the toys.

As Peter and Alice talked to a receptionist about getting Alice on the list of people who can legally take Sofia to doctor appointments, which is only Peter and Wade at the moment, (I pretty sure that's not how it works but idc it's my story so stfu), Sofia was filming Wade and Harley act like children one Peters phone.

It took ten minutes before a nurse came in and took Sofia to do her kemo, by then Peter had just finished the paperwork so Alice walked with them, after saying goodbye to the boys. "Hey, lets go guys!" Peter called the Harley and Wade as he left. They chased after him, racing to see who can jump on his shoulders first.

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