Bye мама паук!

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Peter's POV

I into the apartment and was hit with a wave of fresh alcohol and rotting food. I wrinkled my nose at the smell. The apartment was dark, I felt the wall to find the switch. When the lights flicked to life I was met with the sight a furious May. "Where have you been?" May said, plainly. The absence of yelling scared me. "U-um F-Flash stopped me..." 

*Warning: Abuse*

May took another swig from her beer bottle, "Come here". I obliged. She grabbed my arm and flung my into the wall. She started to kick me in the stomach, I felt the bruises from Flash double in size. "You.. worthless.. waist.. of.. space.." each word interrupted by another kick. I just kept my arms over my head. Suddenly she stopped, I wasn't expecting this so I stayed still awaiting something worse. "Get up" She said in a weirdly calm voice. This was way more scary. It took a moment to get up but I wasn't rushed by May, which was unsettling. I stood there watching her walk behind the counter and open a draw, she pulled out cigarettes. "B-but you don't smoke.." I mumbled. She lit the cigarette and brought it to her mouth, she walked over and blow the smoke in my face. I stumbled back coughing, it was a horrible burning sensation going up my nose. 

May grabbed my arm and held it so my for-arm was facing the sealing. "This is for being a burden," She raised the cigarette bud down with the burning end meeting my skin, I screamed in pain, "This is for being worthless," she ripped it off my skin and placed it to another part of the skin, "This is for being stupid". She repeated the proses over ten times repeating hurtful words. 

*Warning over*

After she walked away I crawled to my room and sat on the ground crying, holding my arm in pain. After five minutes of sitting there I looked around my tiny room, then I spotted my suit. I pulled my suit on, not wanting to be here anymore. I swung over to a roof top a few block away, I sat on the empty roof and just screamed. Screamed my anger, pain, sorrow away. I screamed until I just couldn't anymore. I feel to my knees crying, rolling my sleeves up and just looking at the burns. I pulled out my mini first-aid kit and pulled out tweezers to pick the fluff from my suit of the burns. 

Natasha's POV       ----a few hours earlier-----

Fury had called for a emergency meeting. The team filed into the meeting room, even Tony was there on time! "What's the meeting for pirate?" Tony asked. 

"Well i have a mission for you.." he turned to the screen behind him. It lit up with a picture of someone wearing blue and red spandex. "Your mission is to retrieve 'Spiderman's' identity. Try without force but if it come to it, do what you gotta do" 

"Oh yeah, I've heard of him. Doesn't he just help the little guy? Like help old lady's cross the road, help with fires and stuff. Not really a threat" Clint said. 

"At the moment, but he's a very powerful person." Fury turned back to the screen. It showed Spiderman swinging from building to building with many injures while someone was shooting him and he didn't even flinch. I was impressed. Fury changed to slide and showed Spiderman lifting buses with one hand to help some ducks cross the road. Fury turned to us, "Get is identity, what his powers are and try get him to join SHEILD" 

"Why don't you send you agents?" I ask, "Why the avengers?"

"He has defeated all my best agents, they all came back, un-harmed, with nothing. Apparently he didn't try anything with them even though they shot him and everything" 

We all nodded, Fury left us to form a plan. "Why don't we send a Natasha and Clint first. Y'know Spider to Spider, weirdo to weirdo. Then if you guys come back empty handed then we go back with more of us." Tony said, we nodded while Clint pouted at being called a weirdo. "Hey FRI alert us when Spiderman is spotted." 

"Done, Scary Russian Lady" I just roll my eyes and leave to go to the training room. 

----present time-----

"Scary Russian Lady, Birdbrain, Spiderman has been spotted on a roof top. Sending location now"

I rushed over the elevator and saw Clint running behind me. 

As we approached the building we heard a ear-splitting scream. I looked over to Clint, he looked worried too. We quietly but quickly rushed to the roof. When we got there we saw Spiderman hunched over, his shoulders shaking, cleaning what looked like burns on his arms. "Stop hiding in the shadows. Come out" He said, how the hell did he know we where there!!?? 

Peter's POV

I sensed they where there but i let them come out on there own. I waited and they hadn't moved, "Stop hiding in the shadows. Come out" I said, hoping they would stop lurking. They walked out, I didn't get a good look but I sensed they where armed. "Can you please tell Fury to go away. My answer is still no. He can go mess with the avengers! He needs to stop offering me money and shit for me to join him!" I yelled, I didn't mean to yell but I was so tired and sick of doing this. I looked up and saw BLACK WIDOW AND HAWKEYE!!! "OH MY- oh my god I-I'm so sorry for shouting! Its a honour to meet you Ms Widow and Mr Hawk!"

Mr Hawkeye laughed, while Ms Widow raised a eye brow. "I'm not going to hurt you or fight you, how about we just sit and talk?" Ms Widow asked. Omgomgomgomgomg I'm talking to THE BLACK WIDOW!! 

"S-sure Ms Widow."

She walked over and sat opposite me, Mr Hawkeye sat next to her. "So may I ask how you got your powers?" She asked. 

I thought for a second, should I tell them? As if she could read my thoughts, "We won't tell Fury". I nodded, "I was bitten my a radioactive spider"

She nodded, "Why don't you want people to know your identity?" 

"To protect the people I love..." 

She nodded again, "May I take a look at your arm?". The question caught me of guard. "Um- what?"

"Your arm, that's not how you treat a burn, that's only going to last you a couple of hours."

I laughed, she looked at me like I was crazy. "S-sorry I just forgot you guys don't know my powers, I heal fast- like really fast"

She made a O with her mouth. Mr Hawkeye looked curious. "Um are you sure your not here to hurt me?" I asked in a small voice. 

"No, we're not going to hurt you. We'll help yo. We can't go against Fury's orders, but we can tell you this.. the avengers have a mission to capture you. We we're sent first but to be honest you've one us over, but next time more avengers will be here so i advise you to be ready."

"O-okay Mr Hawkeye" 

"Call me Clint"

"Okay Mr Clint" I was in shock that the hero's I've looked up to since I was little are after me. He sighed and mumbled about me not getting what he meant by 'Call me Clint'.  

"Okay well we'll head back to the tower and say we didn't get any info, hey web one of our legs or something to make it look like we fought." I nodded and webbed Ms Widows left leg and webbed Mr Clint's right arm. 

"Bye Mr Clint! Bye Ms Widow!"

"Call me мама паук"

" хорошо, пока мама паук" (okay bye mama spider)

She raised a eye brow at my Russian before walking off with Mr Clint. 

Just before I went back to the apartment I texted Wade and Harley,

{Chat with: Bi-derman and Dead-bitch}


Brooooooooooooooo!! Guess what! I MET THE AVENGERS!!

{Chat with: Darlin' and Harls}


I saw the avengers!!

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