Test's And Trouble

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Peter's POV

Me and Wade were walking over to our lockers to wait for Harley. The surprise test was today, I really wanted to know what it was for but apparently, we only find out at an assembly afterwards.

"Hey darlin', hey Wade" I felt Harleys arm wrap around my shoulder.
"Hey Harley" I say, "Tonight I'm working at Delmar's but Sofia's coming so if one of you could also come to help-"

"Who's Sofia? Your girlfriend? - Oh wait you're a fag" Flash laughed at his horrible insult.
"She's not my girlfriend" I say, disgusted by the thought, even though Flash had no idea that Sofia was my daughter.

"So you're not denying you're a fag?" Flash and his 'friends' were smirking,

"I am bi, if that's what you mean."

"Eww so fucking gross!" He scrunched up his face as he said that. Wade growled and stepped closer. I pulled him back by his arm, I shake my head.

"Y'know Harley was it? You look tough, and cool. You should join our gang, not hang with these losers."
"you asked me too you little shi-" Wade took another step closer, I once again had to pull him back.

I felt Harleys arm loosen around me, I thought he was actually going to go with them. "Flash, first off you're the real losers. Second, I'm gay, so if that's a problem then fuck off. And last of all," Harley took a step closer to flash, "If I ever," another step closer, "Hear you call Peter or Wade," another step closer, "a loser" another step, "Again" now Harley was holding his finger to Flash's chest, "I swear to god you will never see the light of day again." Harley's voice was low and dangerous. Flash looked so shocked that someone talked to him like that, he nodded his head.

"Mr Keener, Mr Thompson! My office now!" Mr Harrison yelled, (our headmaster/principal)

They nodded and walked of, Harley flashed me a beautiful smile before he left. I couldn't help feeling guilty and happy at the same time. Guilty for being the reason Harley was in trouble, but happy because 1- Flash got put in his place, and 2- because Harley said he was gay! I might have a chance!

"C'mon we have to get the first period." Wade slung a arm over my shoulder's, pulling me to our first lesson of the day.

Tony's POV

I was working on an upgrade for my suit when FRIDAY interrupted me, saying that Midtown's office was trying to reach me.

"Hello?" I ask, still tinkering with my suit. (FRIDAY has the call on speaker)

"Hello is this Mr Strange?" the unknown voice called, I guess this is the principal.
"No this is his husband, who are you and why are you calling me?"

"Hello this is George Harrison, principal at Midtown. I'm calling to inform you that you child has threatened another student and I wish for you to pick him up."

"Wait- STEPAHN GET YOUR ASS IN HERE- what happened? What did Harley say?" as I finished my last sentence Stephan walked in, I passed him a note explaining what the call was about.

"Mr Keener threatened Mr Thompson-"

"I don't care! What did he say though?!" I nearly yelled.

"I'm unsure exactly what was said but I heard the last of the sentence. Mr Keener said, 'you will never see the light of day again'. Now I have both of the boys in my office and Mr Thompson is claiming that this came out of nowhere."

"I'll send someone to pick him up right now." I said before hanging up the call.
I was shocked. What- why would Harley say something like that? I turn to Stephan; he had the same shocked look on his face.

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