A Good Evening

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*Hola! Thank you guys for 33K! I love you guys and rlly appreciate it. I hope you guys have a wonderful day/evening/night.*

Peter's POV

I leave SI, heading home. I had my earphone in, listening to some 40s music, I always thought it was a great era for music, I love the Ink Spots: great band.

The walk home was nice, I hadn't been out walking in the dark for a long time, other than doing patrol. The air was a little chilly yet also warm and surprisingly I didn't have to change into my suit which is good knowing that there's no crime near that I need to fight.

"Hello! I'm home." I call, closing the door behind me. Its only six o'clock so Sofia shouldn't be asleep yet. "In here." Alice called from Sofia's room, I smile at the chess board on the table with little drawings next to it (the white chess pieces had little paintings on that Harley drew and the black chess pieces had drawings on that Sofia drew).

I go into her room and see Sofia doing Alice's nails, "Oo! I'm next!" I hop down next to Alice, looking at her beautiful red nails, "Honey they look great! Alice you really suit the colour."

"Thank you." They said together.
Alice turned her head towards me, "How was the sleepover?"

I smiled, "It was great. We made friends with them, and they actually said they'd love to meet you two."

Sofia gasped, Alice smiled, and I chuckled. "Really?!" Sofia nearly dropped the nail polish in excitement. "Yeah." I said as Sofia moves to sit in front of me to paint my nails. Alice gently blows on her nails to dry.

"That's so cool! Ms Holly and Ms Dove will be mind blown! We watched the avenger interviews together when they put the thingy in me to help me." Sofia smiled, remembering the nice things they did for her when she did her kemo.

"I'm sorry to say it but I think I should go, I have to go because I need to catch up with that old friend, friend. Not a nice person really so I need to get as much sleep as possible." Alice said, getting up.

I nod, understanding, "That's alright, we'll talk tomorrow. I hope everything goes well."

She smiled and hugged us both before leaving. Sofia continues to paint my nails, I smile and don't mind when she messed it up slightly and got it on my skin instead of the nail, "So, hun, did you have dinner?"

"We had it earlier than normal because I was hungry then.. I'm hungry again, can we make toast?"

I got a better idea, "I have a better idea. When your done with my nails we can go to get dinner. I haven't had any yet so why not? We can go to the superhero restaurant."
(A/N something that is actually near me irl, mainly DC but still-)

"Yes!" She tries to quickly finish my nails before she found her coat and shoes. As she we running around I got up and tried to put on my own coat while trying not to smudge my nails. When I had completed my mission and made sure my phone and wallet was in my pocket along with my keys, we left our apartment and headed out to the restaurant.

-tiny time skip brought to you by ur guesses of Alice's age-

We just sat down, and the waiter had just brought us our diet coke and orange juice, and of course the waiter thought we were siblings and said they'd give us a discount for me being a nice 'big brother', so I did not correct them. A discount is a discount.

"What are you thinking of getting?" I asked Sofia as she had her nose stuck into the kid's menu, but that could be because of the puzzle on it.

She put the menu down, "The Hawkeye Hot Dog with fries?"

Be there for you// Parleyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें