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Wade's POV

After I helped Matt (dare devil) I started to walk back to Peter's apartment so we could go on patrol together. 

As I arrived I saw Peter already in his suit but snuggled under some blankets. "Hey baby boy!"
"Hey Wade!"

I went to the bathroom and got into my suit, when I was done me and Peter climbed out of the window and Peter carried me to the roof. "Wanna catch a ride?" Even with Peters mask on I knew he was smirking, even though I would never admit it I am afraid of height's and Peter knew that. "O-okay" slowly I climbed into Peter's back and he started swinging around the city. 

Peter's POV

I felt Wade tighten his grip with every web I shot. Finally I found a building that was empty and without any security cameras. When I landed Wade jumped of my back and laid on the floor as if he got up the wind would swop him away. "Sacred?" I laughed

"Never" he whispered, knowing I would hear. 

We spent an hour helping people and making bets on who can help the most people in the shortest amount of time (I won obviously). But when we were on a roof on a live for my twitter, his phone rang. 

"Shit! I'm sorry Spidey I gotta go" He used my Spiderman nickname because he knew I was still recording. 

"Don't worry DP cya tomorrow on patrol" We waved and he ran off a roof. I turned back to my phone, "Soooooooo um anyone want to see what its like swinging with my webs?" I got loads of 'YES' from my comments. So I got up and held my phone in my left hand and started to swing from my right. "So this is what its like" I said while swinging. 

Harley POV

I sat in my room watching the Spiderman live, when Deadpool left Spiderman started swinging showing us what it's like. I loved when Spiderman went live, I knew Peter like Spiderman so I quickly texted him to watch it. Then I heard  Spiderman's phone buzz, I'm sure it's Deadpool. 

Peter's POV

When I landed on a building I propped my phone up on a old brick and started to show my followers some cool tricks. Backflips, summersaults, front flips etc etc. Suddenly my Spidey sense went wild. I looked around but didn't see anything but my sense told me there was 8 people around me. "C'mon out then" I yelled. Then Mr Haw-Clint walked out of the shadows. "Hey Clint! How's it going?" I walked over to him and gave him a fist bump.

"Good, how's things with you?"  He smiled at me.

"Meh, same old same old" I laughed and he joined in. Then мама паук walked out of the shadows.
"мама паук! как твои дела?" I asked. (mama spider! how are you?

"ребенок паук! Я скучал по тебе! Я в порядке, но мне очень жаль." She said walking up to me and hugging me. (Baby spider! I've missed you! I'm good, but I'm so sorry)

"Don't worry about it, I know you didn't have a choice. The pirate is so annoying."

"I know right!" Clint said. 

"C'mon out Mr Stark, Mr Rogers, Mr Wilson, Mr Barnes, Ms Maximoff, Mr Vision." I yelled, 

"1st- how the hell did you know we were here?! 2nd- why are you talking to Nat and Clint like they are old friends?!" Mr Stark yelled. 

"1- spidey sense, 2- we kinda are friends." I said, "Anyway can we get the fighting out the way?" 

"I-I um sure" Mr Stark looked confused at my straight forwardness. 

"Yay!" I said in a sarcastic tone then I turned to мама паук, Clint and Mr Barnes,  " хорошо, мама паук, мистер Барнс, я знаю, что вы двое говорите по-русски, и я знаю, что Клинт кое-что знает, поэтому, если ругаетесь по-русски, пожалуйста, не говорите мистеру Роджерсу, я не хочу лекцию." I said in a serious tone, (ok mama spider mr barnes I know you two speak Russian and I know Clint knows a thing or two so if I swear in Russian please don't tell mr rogers I don't want a lecture
They started to laugh, I joined. Everyone else looked very confused. 

"Okay before we start let me say good bye" Everyone looked at me confused. I walked over to my phone and picked it up, "Sorry guys I have to go fight the avengers! Anyway remember to follow them at their twitters! Bye!" I said before ending the live. 

"Were you live this whole time?" Ms Maximoff asked, I nodded. 


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