Work and -WHAT!!

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Peter's POV

I was walking to Delmar's when I got a text from Harley telling me that he would pick up Sofia.

"Hey Mr Delmar! How are you?" I walked behind the counter and put on my apron.
"Hey Peter, I'm good thanks. How's things at school? And with Sofia?" he smiled at me,

"Um schools good, we had a test today. They wouldn't tell us what it was about though, the test actually challenged me and plus there was some personal questions. Sooo I'm guessing it's for a job like thing." While talking I was making sandwiches for Sofia and Harley. "And Sofia's doing way better, so I'm planning to find an apartment so I can properly look after her when she's out of hospital."

Just as I finished making the sandwich's Harley walked in with Sofia on his back. "Here I made you, your favourites!" I handed them their sandwich's and they walked over to a table near the back.

--little time skip brought to you by my laziness—

After a while I took my break and walked over to Harley and Sofia, I had some apartment brochures to look over.

We stayed like that till a big group of people walked in, they were wearing hoddies and sunglass' as no one else wanted to serve them,

Tony's POV --from when Harley left to pick up Sofia—

As Harley walked out to go to 'Delmar's' I decided that the team was going to pay a visit to Delmar's and finally meet Harley's friends.

"Hey FRI please call the team to meet me in the living room in five."

"Yes Boss,"

I walked into the living room to see some disgruntled avengers looking back at me. "Why'd you call us here? Me and Nat were watching Netflix!" Clint wined. Nat did indeed look very tired and had her head on Clint's shoulder half asleep, Clint had his arm around her with his head on hers, he was giving me a death glare.

"Honestly, they should date" Sam 'whispered' to Bucky, Bucky grimaced as the 'whisper' was loud enough for Natasha to hear. Natasha opened her eyes and sent him a glare, "Clinty take this one, I'm way to tired" she said, closing her eyes again.

"Sam shut the hell up! Me and Tasha are nothing more than besties!" Clint whispered-shouted to Sam; Nat looked like she was going to fall asleep.

"Um guys, sorry to interrupt whatever this is. But the reason I called you guys here is Harley went to meet his friends, but he said where he was going so wanna go and try to meet his friends." I said, pulling on my jacket.

"Yep, let's go!" Sam yelled, I'm sure he just didn't want Nat to properly wake up and her to murder him. Everyone went to grab jackets and sunglasses, Clint helped Nat get her jacket on and picked her up bridal style to carry her to the car.


We walked into the little side-street sandwich shop, I looked around and saw Harley colouring with a little girl, they were giggling together, and the small boy next to Harley was hunched over some papers and notes, he looked very concentrated.
We must have looked like thugs, in our jackets (most leather) and dark sunglasses (except for Nat and Clint, Clint was basically holding her upright). No one wanted to serve us, but the small boy sitting next to Harley walked behind the counter and put his pen behind his ear.

"Hi! My names Peter, what can I get for you today?" he said. So this is the Peter my so-Harley has a crush on.

"Hi, um we've never been here before..can you please suggest some?" I ask. He nods and looks at us for a second.
"I think I can see a little about your personality, so please take a seat and I'll bring them over to you in a second." He smiled, writing stuff down on his note pad. I nodded and we all took seats over a few tables.

Peter's POV

I made 9 sandwich's that I thought would go well to the shady group, (A/N Natasha, Clint, Tony, Stephan, Sam, Bucky, Steve, Wanda, and Vision). I pilled the sandwiches onto a tray and walked over to the group, spread out over three tables. When I finally reached the last table, I noticed that the woman was leaning on one of the man's shoulder. She looked ill. "Are you okay, ma'am?" I asked, placing down the last sandwich.

"She's really tired," One of the men said. I nodded but decided to keep an eye on her, not saying I don't trust those men but... just making sure.

When no customers came in for the next five minutes I walked back over to Harley and Sofia. "Hey dad! Look at what me and Harley drew!" Sofia jumped into my lap, she held out a piece of paper with a drawing of Sofia, me, Harley, and Wade.
"This is great, honey!" I carefully folded it up and placed it into my pocket, "Why don't you and Harley plan our next adventure!?"

She nodded and crawled into Harleys lap, Harley pulled out another piece of paper and they were off. I noticed one of the gang men looking at me and Harley, I smiled and walked over. "Can I get you anything else, sir?"

"Um could you get another round of sandwich's for us?" he asked,

"Of course, may I get you any drinks? We have soda, water and juice."

"Oh um a round of soda for us" I nodded and walked back to the counter and started.

I brought the sandwich's over with the soda, "Here, you look a little pale" I placed a water in front of the woman that was 'tired'. She smiled.

After 10 minutes I saw the woman run to the bathroom. After a few minutes she didn't come back. No one seemed to notice, so I walked over and knocked on the door. "Hello? Ma'am? Can I come in?"
I heard a faint 'Mhm' so I slowly opened the door. "Ma'am are you alright!!?" I rushed over to the limp for of the woman, she was hunched over the toilet.

She didn't look very responsive, I think she might have been drugged. Fuck men!!

"Ma'am I'm going to take you to the back room to get you help okay?" I was holding her head upright. She wasn't responsive, so I took off her sunglasses to try and see her pupils.

Clint's POV

Nat had been in the toilet for a while, I saw Peter walk to the bathrooms too. I was worried about her, "Hey I'll be back in a minute" I say before walking towards the bathrooms. I heard some muffled noises from the girl bathrooms, my mind instantly went to Natasha. I barged into the woman's bathroom to see that Peter guy holding Nat's face and he was hunched over her, "GET AWAY FROM NAT!" I scream, he jumps but doesn't move.

"No, she's not responsive and her pupils are dilated! For all I know you could have drugged her!!" he yelled back. At hearing that she wasn't responsive I rushed over. "TONY!! STEPHAN!!" I yelled, I pulled Nat into my lap. "Nat can you hear me?" I asked, she didn't even move a finger. I started to cry as she turned colder and colder. I pulled off my jacket and wrapped her in it. "What- OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED!?" Tony burst into the room, I shrugged and held Nat to my chest, crying.

I don't really know what happened, but everything was a blur. Tony pulled Nat out of my arms and someone pulled Peter out. Stephan made a portal, and we were suddenly in med bay.

I sat outside Med bay all night. I can't lose her. I can't lose Tasha. I didn't even get to say 'I love you' one more time. I can't lose her. I won't lose her. 

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