A Long Day

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Natasha's POV

(A/N my friend was literally about to kill me, so pls thank @mehreen_b_a for not killing me yet and letting me write this for you weirdos that actually like this. Larb u weirdos)

I slowly flickered my eyes open. I was in Med bay. The moon light pooled in throw the windows, it illuminated the tired, sleeping birdbrain holding my hand, hunched over the side of his chair. "Hey birdy, pass the water will ya"

His head snapped up when I spoke. "Oh my god! Natasha! You're okay!"

"No, my throat is as dry as Sam's dating life."
He laughed and nodded while reaching for a glass of water. "So, did you cry?" I smirked,

"Oh never"
We laughed, and he climbed into the bed with me. I rested my head on his shoulder, "But really Nat, I'm really happy you're okay" he kissed my head.

"I'm fine... physically. I'm paranoid though, who poisoned me? How did they poison me? When did they poison me?" I sighed,

"I don't know Tasha, I don't know..."
We sat there like that till we fell asleep, together and alive. That's all that mattered right now.

---time skip till the morning---

Clint helped me into the kitchen, "Hey, what's for breakfast?" I smirk at the faces staring at me. They were shocked that I was out of Med bay, I mean who do they think they were thinking about. I'm Natasha fucking Romanoff.

"Nat!! You're alright!" Harley ran over and gave me a massive hug. In turn everyone gave me a hug, when Bucky came over, he wrapped me in a hug and whispered "Never, ever make me cry in front of Sam again or I'll be the one poising you."
I laughed and hugged back.

Peter's POV

Harley left suddenly last night, then I saw him in Avenger's Tower and now he texted me he wasn't coming to school today. "Wade! Wade! Get your ass over here right now!" I yelled across the classroom; I didn't care that everyone was staring at me. "What!?" he whisper-yelled as he sat down. "You'll never guess what!"

"If I can never guess, then why try make me" he huffed,

I ignored him, "So me, Harley and Sofia were at Delmar's and this woman came in with loads of men, she ended up running to the bathroom and after a while I followed, сause I didn't know if they drugged her or something. Anyway, when I was in the bathroom she was unresponsive but then one of the men came in and screamed her name. Then I took of her sunglasses cause I needed to she her pupils, but she was Natasha Romanoff so I guess the gang I served were the avengers! Anyway, then I got Sofia outta there, then Harley got a call saying he had to go, then later I went to the tower as Spider-man to see Ms Romanoff and guess what!" I rambled,

Wade took a minute to load this information, "Wait- WHAT, okay, okay um carry on."

"I saw Harley there! He was hugging Mr Stark!"

"WHAT!" Wade said (screamed) that a little to loudly, the teacher shushed us then carried on working.

"Shhhh and yes. But we can't let him know we know. Cause then it will show I'm SM" I said, he nodded in agreement.

"So... is Ms Romanoff okay?" he looked worried,

"Um well last time I was there she was stable, no one knows what happened. I'm going there after school, Mr Delmar gave me the day of today as I apparently 'saved' her" I put the air quotes around the word 'saved'.

Wade nodded and leaned back in his chair, "Dam, okay. Can I come with? I mean as DP of course?"

"I guess. I'll bring flowers, you bring chocolates."

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