Alcohol And Ice Packs

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*hi tysm for 19K! But I had to get this chapter out today as im going camping tomorrow and wont be able to write for a couple days, so srry if this is rlly rushed and short. Hope you enjoy! (i just love the fanart at the top i think its so cute)*

No One's POV

Spiderman swung away, leaving the avengers to struggle against the webs again. "Ugh, how long did he say we had to stay stuck here?" Clint wined.

"Half an hour." Sam sighed.

--time skip brought to u by the beautiful besties u all r—

Once the webs all dissolved, they limped back to the Avengers Tower. None of the talking unless it was to pull someone back onto the pavement because they were too exhausted to realise a car was heading towards them.

Natasha's POV

I must say I was proud of Spidey; he beat all of our asses and that guy 'Toomes'. But now the whole team was sore and tired. We made it up to the penthouse, all collapsing onto the couches and armchairs.

"Hey how did it go- I'm going to grab the ice packs." Stephan backs right back out the room, Wanda follows. Tony smiles but yells after him, "Bring back some booze too!"
People nod their heads in agreement. I slowly move my legs, so they are on Bucky's lap and my head lent against Clint's shoulder.

When Stephan and Wanda come back in there's ice packs floating behind them, booze in hands. "Here honey." Stephan passes a glass to Tony and some scotch.

They pass round ice packs and alcohol. I grab three beers, "Bucky hold out your hand." He does and I use the edge of one of his fingers to get the tops of the beers. I pass one to Clint and Bucky before taking a big swig of mine.

Everyone had a ice pack and mine was on my hip, I bruised my back and hips landing on the ground to hard after a training session with someone two of the world's best spy's and a trained assassin. "We're all gettin' to old for this shit." Sam sighed, cracking a smile.

"We are." Clint said.
"You certainly are an old man." I twist my head up to smile at him. He hits my head lightly and laughs.

--time skip brought to you by me having beans on toast for lunch🥰—

No One's POV

At this point the group was pretty drunk. But the alcohol brought them to the subject of the fight. "No no no that little bug did not out smart us! He out muscled you guys." Tony said, slurring a little and (sobber) Stephan had to take his glass away so he didn't break it.

"What yo talkin bout?" Sam rolled his eyes, "You fought em to!"

"MmmMMMmmMmmMMmm buttttttttt-"

"Shut up. You're making my head spin!" Steve complained.

"I can make you head spin more later." Bucky smirked when Steve blushed.

"Get a room! We don't need to hear this!" Scott laughed.

They talked about all of the fight. How Spiderman nearly got away at the beginning, how he overpowered them so quickly, how Wanda wasn't able to mind read him, how he burnt his back off yet still asked if Wanda was ok, how he, Natasha and Clint were like old friends, how we still fought off a villain even after all of that and more.

"Did you notice that we always shot a web so we wouldn't have to hit our heads! Like dudeeee! Why the fuck are we even fighting this dude anymore? It's like Fury wants to knock off all the nice guys-"

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