Busy Day

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*thank you for 9K!! I honestly can't believe it! 🤣😂 its fucking crazy! I hope u enjoy..*

Peter's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat. The sheets had been pushed of the bed. "Hey.. it's cold.. give me the blanket." Wade said sleepy, he thankfully hadn't seen me in a panic.
"Oh yeah, sorry." I lean over the bed and drag the sheets over us, plopping it on Wade. I lean against the wall, taking deep breaths to calm myself down. I hate a nightmare about- no. No, don't think about it!

"тьфу, может душ поможет. который сейчас час?" I murmur (ugh, maybe a shower can help. what time is it now?) getting out of bed. I grab some new clothes and go to the shower, quickly checking the time before going, 4 am.

I let the ice-cold water hit me. I didn't move, just standing there, head tilted towards the ceiling, just listening to the water hit the bottom of the shower. My curls stick to my forehead, so I run a hand throw my hair to brush them back.
Some flashbacks from the nightmare flashes before my eyes. I just shake my head and rub my eyes, trying to concentrate on how cold the water is making me.

*little trigger waring, some self harm*

When I turn the water off and tie the towel around my waste, I turn to the mirror. I look into my eyes with hatred. I bend down and take out the box of tampons and pads I keep for if someone needs them (I always have some in my bag too), I dig my hand to the bottom of the box and pull out a razor. I sigh before drawing on my arms a few times. The blade dancing along my arms, it felt oddly natural. The time past, I felt almost dry by the time I put the bloody razer down.

I clean the blood drops of the sink and blade. Thank God I brought a long sleeve with me. I use some water and toilet paper to quickly clean my arms (not the best resources) before throwing on my clothes.

*warning over*

I couldn't get back to sleep so I stayed on the couch. I've done my homework, read half a Stephan King novel, updated Karen a little, and checked out everything for the gym that Alice is letting me use.
By the time Wade got up and stumbled into the kitchen I was already done making pancakes. "Morning sunshine!" I say, passing him a plate with a whip cream smile on it.
"Morning Mr Parker-Keener." He said back, too tired to think of anything else. I roll my eyes and smack the back of his head. "I'm awake! I'm awake!"

When Sofia came in it was nearly time to go. "Hey honey, Alice is going to look after you today. She'll come here in about 5 minutes so if you want to get dressed and then when she comes you girls can decide what you want to do today. I do want you to try and read something today, as you cant go to school I want you to learn something at home."

"M'kay dad." she was really sleepy. Wade took her onto his lap and helped her eat some pancakes.

Harley's POV

I woke up, seeing I was surprising not late waking up, I went to eat breakfast with the family. Da-Tony had been weird last night. He barely said anything to me, maybe he's mad? But I can't think of anything I did wrong. "Hey, son, want something?" Steve asked.

"Just some cereal." I grab a bowl from the cupboard and sit next to Clint.

Clint turned to me "So, 'dad', huh. I thought it would take longer to be honest, but Nat said-"

"What are you talking about?" I cut him off.

"Yesterday." He said blankly, "Tony was going around screaming that you had called him dad over the phone or something."

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