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*sorry again for not posting in a while. I've been a little focused on my other book, and this other one I'm writing off Wattpad. Anyway, sorry again and I hope you enjoy this chapter..*

Peter's POV

I wake up to my alarm, "ugh!" I groan getting up of the couch. I remember that I have no fresh clothes, "No.. I'm to tired for this bullshit.."

I unlock my phone and call the group, (underlined is Harley, bold is Wade)

"Heya Petey!"

"Hey darlin'"

"Um can you guys bring some spare clothes to school? I don't have any more fresh ones and I don't want to go to May's alone."

"I think I still have some of your joggers and underwear at mine from when we went swimming, don't worry their all washed."

"Um, Wade, that was months ago..."

"So, I forgot to give em back. Plus you still haven't given the valentines shirt back!"

"You gave it to me!-"

"ANYWAY, I'll bring u a shirt and jumper."

I pick up my backpack of the floor, "Okay, see you guys at school!" I hang up and run out the door, not forgetting to lock it, jumping down the stairs two at a time.


I run up to my locker, Harley and Wade were already there. "Hey guys!"


"Hi darling."

They pass me the clothes, "Thanks, I'm just going to get changed." I pass Wade my backpack.
I walk into the bathroom leaving them talking.

Once I've changed, I walk out the stall with the old clothes bundled in my arms, I'm met with Flash. "Hey Penis, haven't had a catch up in a while." He smirked his evil smirk.

I sigh (I'm done with his bullshit) but made it look like it was out of fear. I don't move but Flash does it for me, he yanks me and throws me to the floor. "Y'know your little 'friends' don't like you." He kicks me in the stomach a few times, "No one likes you." He kicks my ribs, "You're ugly," another kick to the stomach, "You're a ugly, pathetic, worthless, friendless, fag." He spits, kicking my hard in the face.

I let out a gasp, trying to get some air back into my lungs. He doesn't leave there, he drags me up by the collar. "Ha, you're even more ugly. C'mon fight back- oh wait you are to pathetic and weak." He 'laughs' and punch's me in the nose. I feel a small trickle of blood spill down my nose.

After that he leaves. "Great." I mutter, looking in the mirror at the black eye forming on my face. I roll my eyes and pick up the discarded clothes on the floor, "Gross."

I walk out of the disgusting bathroom back over to the lockers. "-oh yeah, and he was all like 'nah ah bitch I'm going- what happened to you Pete?!" Harley's face was full of worry.


"Flash." Wade, rightly, guessed. They both look like they want to kill someone.

"I'm fine. Can we just get to class?" I stuff the dirty clothes into the locker.

"Yeah sure.." Harley says, side eyeing me, looking at my black eye. He slings and arm around me as I bunched up the ends of Harley's oversized hoodie. Wade walked on my other side, looking quite menacing.

First period goes slowly due to the fact that this teacher hates me with a burning passion. "Finally, that's over with!" I say to Harley as we walk to our next class. He laughs, linking arms with Wade.

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